Computer Science 15-100, Fall 2009
Student Project Gallery

The following 19 student projects represent a range of topics, approaches, effort, and resulting grades.

Place Author Title
1st Tyler Fox Tower Defense
2nd Patrick Purdy Google Hot Trends Visualizer
3rd Melvin Dong Super Mario
  --- Haunted Adventure
  Greg Bernero Piano Player
  Aditya Bhandaru Graphing Calculator
  James Chun Pool (Billiards)
  Emily Grove Tone Matrix
  Clara Hong Frogger
  Vishal Jeet Video Poker
  Viswa Tej Koganti Bomberman
  Huan Kiat Koh Chinese Chess
  Stefano Palmieri Evolution (Genetic Programming Simulation)
  Chris Schubert Drum Machine
  Kory Stiger Tangrams
  Arlene Tang Text Twist
  James Weltz Fractals
  Yunhao Yang Battle City
  Minghuiz Zhang Traffic Jam