Computer Science 15-110, Lecture 9 (Sections M-Q), Fall 2009
Homework 8
Due:  Mon 9-Nov-2009 at 10pm (email copy to your CA)
(no late submissions accepted).

Read these instructions first!

Programming guidelines:

Read this first!

  1. Review
    1. nthLeftTruncatablePrime
    2. oneBornEveryDay
    1. The Television Class
    2. The CokeMachine Class
  2. Extension
    1. Text Adventure
  3. Challenge
    1. Image Editing (grayScale, zoomIn, zoomOut)
    2. Antialiasing
    3. Subset Sum
    4. More Text Adventure

  1. Review
    1. nthLeftTruncatablePrime
      Write the following method:
         public static int nthLeftTruncatablePrime(int n)
      This method takes a non-negative integer n and returns the nth left truncatable prime, as defined on the excellent List of Prime Numbers on Wikipedia.  According to that page, the left truncatable primes are "primes that remain prime when the leading decimal digit is successively removed".  Here are the first of these:  2, 3, 5, 7, 13, 17, 23, 37, 43, 47, 53, 67, 73, 83, 97, 113, 137, 167, 173, 197, 223, 283, 313, 317, 337, 347, 353, 367, 373, 383, 397, 443, 467, 523, 547, 613, 617, 643, 647, 653, 673, 683,...

      Your method should be 0-based, so if n==0, your method should return 2.  Also, return -1 if n is negative.

      Hint:  you should write an appropriate helper method that tests whether a given number is a left truncatable prime.

      Hint: note that 103 and 107 are not left truncatable primes. Similarly, neither is 307. So, numbers with leading zeroes do not count as primes for this problem (and, consequently, numbers with any zeroes at all will not work)!
    2. oneBornEveryDay
      Say there were 7 randomly-chosen people in a room.  Would you bet that at least one of them was born on each of the 7 days of the week?  Probably not.  But what if there were 20 people in the room?  50?  500?  When would you change your answer from no to yes?  To answer this, first write the following method:
         public static double oddsOfOneBornEveryDay(int peopleInRoom)
      This method takes an integer, representing the number of randomly-chosen people in the room, and uses Monte Carlo techniques to compute the odds that at least one person in the room was born on each of the 7 days of the week (we assume a person is equally likely to be born on any day of the week).  Then, using that method, write the following method:
         public static int fewestPeopleNeededToBetThatOneWasBornEveryDay()
      This verbosely-named method takes no parameters and returns the fewest number of people in the room that are required for you to change your bet from no to yes.  Restated:  this method finds the smallest value for peopleInRoom such that the first method returns a value greater than 0.50.
  2. Core
    1. The Television Class
      Start with this file:
      Do not modify the Hw8Television main class. Make this code work by adding the appropriate classes with the appropriate methods as described by the test methods called by this main method. Note that you do not have to add any code to the test cases, though you do have to solve them with general-purpose solutions (and not just hard-code the example test cases!).

      Hint #1: look carefully at the test code to infer the behavior of the Television class.  It is straightforward (no tricks, really!), but you will not be provided with any description beyond this test code.  "Use the force, read the source!"

      Hint #2: to solve this incrementally, you may wish to comment out parts of the test code so the parts you have implemented will compile and can be tested as you go.
    2. The Coke Machine Class
      Start with this file:
      As with the preceding problem, do not modify this problem's main class, and make this code work by adding the appropriate classes with the appropriate methods as described by the test methods called by this main method.  Same hints apply, too.
  3. Extension
    1. Text Adventure
      Start with this file:
      This file contains the text adventure as we wrote it in class on 5-Nov-09.  For homework, you should complete the 8 tasks listed in the "Todo" section at the top of the file.  You may also extend this text adventure in interesting ways for bonus (see the last Challenge problem), but only if you first do at least one of the other Challenge problems listed below.
  4. Challenge
    1. Image Editing (grayScale, zoomIn, zoomOut)
      Each of these methods takes an image and returns a new version of that image (without modifying the original image!).  For testing purposes, you may choose to save these modified images and view the modified files (say, in your browser).  Or you may choose to write a small program that uses these methods to directly display the modified images.  In any case, you must somehow test your methods in a reasonable manner, which should include some sort of visual inspection (by you).
      1. grayScale
        Write a method, grayScale, that takes a BufferedImage and returns another BufferedImage (or null if the argument is null), which is the same image (same size, etc) but with the colors removed and replaced with their grayscale equivalents.  Now, a color is a shade of gray if its red, green, and blue values are all the same (we will ignore alpha values for this problem).  If they are all 0, the color is black.  If they are all 255, the color is white.  Any value in between is some shade of gray.  So this problem largely reduces to converting some values for red, green, and blue into a single value between 0 and 255, the grayscale.  For complex reasons beyond the scope of this course, here is the conversion:
             grayscale = (0.3 * red) + (0.59 * green) + (0.11 * blue)
        So you replace each pixel with a new pixel whose red, green, and blue are all the given grayscale for that pixel.  If you are interested in the math and physics behind this, you may optionally read the Wikipedia page on Grayscale.

        For example:


      2. zoomIn
        Write a method, zoomIn, that takes a BufferedImage and a scale (which is a small positive integer), and returns a new BufferedImage that is the result of zooming in on the original (that is, making it larger) according the scale.  If the scale is non-positive, return null.  So if the scale is 2, the result is twice as large (both in width and in height).  To do this, each original pixel will expand to a scale-by-scale box of identical pixels in the result.  For example, if the scale is 3, each original pixel is expanded into a corresponding 3-by-3 box in the result.

        Note:  this approach will lead to visual artifacts due to aliasing, especially as the scale gets larger.  These can be reduced using a technique called antialiasing.  But do not use antialiasing here (or the autograder will be most unhappy!).  If you are interested in antialiasing, check out the bonus problem on it.

        For example:

        Becomes (with scale=2):

      3. zoomOut
        Write a method, zoomOut, that takes a BufferedImage and a scale (which is a small positive integer), and returns a new BufferedImage that is the result of zooming out on the original (that is, making it smaller) according to the scale.  So if the scale is 2, the result is half as large (both in width and in height).  If the scale is non-positive, or if the resulting image would be smaller than one pixel in either dimension, return null.  To do this, we must do the previous process in reverse.  Here, each scale-by-scale box of original pixels must be replaced by a single pixel in the result.  Make the red value of that single pixel the average of the scale2 red values in the scale-by-scale box of pixels it represents.  Then the green is the average of greens and the blue is the average of blues.  Note:  if the image is not a multiple of the scale, then just take the average of the existing pixels (ignore pixels that lie outside the original -- what else could you realistically do?)..

        Note:  if you zoomOut (shrink) an image and then zoomIn (enlarge) that result by the same scale, you should get roughly your original image.  However, since zoomOut is "lossy", you will lose some detail in this process, especially at larger scales.  Still, this may be useful for testing purposes (your choice).

        For example:

        Becomes (with scale=2):

    2. Antialiasing
      Write a program that addresses the problem of antialiasing as described above.  Do not look up the solution to this -- figure it out for yourself.  Then, document your approach very clearly.  Also, show (visually, with examples) how your approach improves the accuracy of a zoomIn/zoomOut sequence (show both the un-antialiased result and your improved antialiased version).
    3. Subset Sum
      Read the Wikipedia page on subsetSum.  Then, in the file, write the following method (along with a suitable test method):
         public static boolean subsetSum(int[] a)
      This method takes an arbitrary-sized array of ints and returns true if some non-empty subset of elements in the array sums to zero. For example, given the array {−7, −3, −2, 8, 5}, the result is "true" because the subset {−3, −2, 5} sums to zero.  As the Wikipedia page notes, this problem is NP-complete, which basically means that your solution will be very slow for even moderately-sized arrays (and that's ok).  Later in the course, we may learn about techniques that make problems such as this easier to program.  The point of this bonus problem is for you to discover one of those techniques on your own, so be sure not to consult any online sources (besides that one Wikipedia page) or read about this problem in textbooks or elsewhere.  Also, note that the Wikipedia page discusses an approximate polynomial time (that is, fast) solution.  That does not apply here.  We want an exact solution, which will be slow, but again, that's ok.

      Hint:  if you are given an array with N elements, think about counting from 0 up to (2N-1) using an N-digit binary number, and how that might relate to this problem...  Following on this hint, you will get most of the points for solving this problem for arrays of size 32 or smaller (why does that make the problem easier?), but full credit requires that you solve it for even larger arrays (though, being NP-complete, these larger arrays may require vast amounts of time).
    4. More Text Adventure

      Note:  you may only do this problem if you have completed at least one previous Challenge problem on this assignment (and preferably two of them).

      In the file, write your own text adventure by extending the one we wrote together.  You do not have much time for this, so keep your story simple.  But to obtain bonus, it must be interesting (that is not required of the simple assignment above).  There should be a story or a problem to solve, with an interesting way to win and some interesting ways to lose, and winning should require at least a few steps in a specific order (that is, an interesting problem to solve).  Again, though, keep it simple.  The point here is for you to understand the mechanics of writing a simple text adventure and not to actually write a full-scale (or even half-scale) working game.

      For bonus credit, in addition to what you did for the required work above, you must include at least 3 new rooms, 3 new things, 3 new verbs, and 2 new properties (like "immobility" of things).  Try to make it challenging and fun but doable.

Carpe diem!