Practice with Strings and Loops (from 15-110 Spring 2011 Homework 3)

Note:  these problems were originally written for 15-110 Spring 2011 Homework 3.  Of course, you may ignore references to hw2 here (they do not correspond to this semester's hw), and you may also ignore any other out-of-context references.

These are optional practice problems to help you prepare for hw3.  Solutions are provided, along with short video tutorials.

Here are the files you'll need:

Note:  This week, you may use "if" statements (conditionals), and "for" or "while" statements (loops), but you may not use recursion, or collections (lists, dictionaries, etc).  Since we have not covered these yet, this should not be a concern for most of you. 

  1. maxChar
  2. evenChars
  3. reverseString
  4. vowelCount

  1. maxChar
    Without using max(s), return the character with the maximum Unicode value in the string s.  If s has no characters, return None.  Here are some test cases for you:

        assert(maxChar("abcdefabcd") == "f")
        assert(maxChar("abcdefabfcd") == "f")
        assert(maxChar("ABDFDSFA") == "S")
        assert(maxChar("ABDFqDSFA") == "q")
        assert(maxChar("ABD{FqDSFA98754") == "{")
        assert(maxChar("") == None)

  2. evenChars
    Write a function that takes a string s and returns the string formed by the characters at even indexes of s.  Here are some test cases for you:

        assert(evenChars("abcdefg") == "aceg")
        assert(evenChars("") == "")
        assert(evenChars("a") == "a")
        assert(evenChars("ab") == "a")

  3. reverseString
    Write the function reverseString that takes a string and returns the reverse of that string (so "abc" becomes "cba").  Do this from first principles, with loops and conditionals, and not using a built-in reverse function or slicing like s[::-1] or converting the string to a list or anything else of that nature.
    Here are some test cases for you:

        assert(reverseString("abcde") == "edcba")
        assert(reverseString("abcdef GH") == "HG fedcba")   
        assert(reverseString("a") == "a")   
        assert(reverseString("") == "")  

  4. vowelCount
    Write the function vowelCount that takes a string and returns the number of vowels in it (case-insensitively). Here are some test cases for you:

        assert(vowelCount("abcdefg") == 2)
        assert(vowelCount("ABCDEFG") == 2)
        assert(vowelCount("") == 0)
        assert(vowelCount("This is a test.  12345.") == 4)

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