Computer Science 15-111 (Sections A & B), Spring 2007

Class Notes:  28-Feb-2007



  1. Reminder:  Quiz 3, #5 (painting outer rectangle is ok) – bring quiz to me!
  2. Hw6 posted today and is due in one week (Wed 07-Mar-07)
  3. Quiz4 is on Wed 07-Mar-07 and covers:
    1. Inheritance (Chapter 7, except 7.4)
    2. Linear Search and Binary Search
    3. Quadratic Sorts (Insertion, Selection, Bubble)
    4. Comparable + Comparator
    5. Arrays.sort and Collections.sort
    6. Mergesort
  4. Test 2 is on Wed 18-Apr-07.
  5. Reading:  Java by Dissection, Ch 5.6 – 5.8, Ch 7.8

Topic Outline:

1.      How Not To Copy An Array
(or How Not To Drop Rows in Tetris)
  for (int row=dropRow; row>0; row--)
       board[row-1] = board[row];  //
ί WRONG!!!!
A standalone example:
  import java.util.*;
  import static java.lang.System.out;
  class Foo {
     public static void main(String[] args) {
         int[][] x = { { 1, 0, 1 },
                       { 1, 1, 1 } };  // row is "full"
         // now we simulate dropping row0 into row1
         // and resetting row0 to all 0's:
         x[1] = x[0];  // <-- PROBLEM!!!  Now row 1 IS row 0!!!
         for (int i=0; i<x[0].length; i++)
               x[0][i] = 0;  // clear row 0 (and row 1 by mistake!)
       // now print out the array:
       out.println(Arrays.toString(x[0])); // [0, 0, 0]
       out.println(Arrays.toString(x[1])); // [0, 0, 0]

2.      Bubblesort:  Repeatedly bubble adjacent elements

a.      Algorithm:
Each pass:  Moving left-to-right, swap each adjacent pair that is out of order.
Repeat passes until no swaps occur.

b.      Example:
         4  2  1  3  unsorted array x[]
Pass 1:
         4  2  1  3  compare x[0] and x[1]
         2  4  1  3  swap them!
         2  4  1  3  compare x[1] and x[2]
         2  1  4  3  swap them!
         2  1  4  3  compare x[2] and x[3]
         2  1  3  4  swap them!
Pass 2:
         2  1  3  4  compare x[0] and x[1]
         1  2  3  4  swap them!
         1  2  3  4  compare x[1] and x[2]
         1  2  3  4  compare x[2] and x[3]
Pass 3:
         1  2  3  4  compare x[0] and x[1]
         1  2  3  4  compare x[1] and x[2]
         1  2  3  4  compare x[2] and x[3]
SORTED in 13 operations:
  4 Swaps + 9 Comparisons

3.      Improved Bubblesort

a.      Algorithm:
Same as Bubblesort, except:
Notice that after pass k, the rightmost k elements are sorted!

b.      Example:
         4  2  1  3  unsorted array x[]
Pass 1:
         4  2  1  3  compare x[0] and x[1]
         2  4  1  3  swap them!
         2  4  1  3  compare x[1] and x[2]
         2  1  4  3  swap them!
         2  1  4  3  compare x[2] and x[3]
         2  1  3  4  swap them!
Pass 2:
         2  1  3  4  compare x[0] and x[1]
         1  2  3  4  swap them!
         1  2  3  4  compare x[1] and x[2]
Pass 3:
         1  2  3  4  compare x[0] and x[1]
SORTED in 10 operations:
  4 Swaps + 6 Comparisons  (reduced from 9 comparisons!)

4.      Selectionsort:  Repeatedly select smallest element

a.      Algorithm:
For each index i from 0 to (n-2):
   First, select
the smallest element from x[i] to the right.
   Then, swap this element with x[i].
Notice that after pass k, the leftmost k elements are sorted!

b.      Example:
         4  2  1  3  unsorted array x[]
Pass 1: (i=0, swapping smallest in {x[0],…,x[n-1]} with x[0])
         4  2  1  3  smallest so far = x[0]
         4  2  1  3  compare x[0] and x[1]
         4  2  1  3  smallest so far = x[1]
         4  2  1  3  compare x[1] and x[2]
         4  2  1  3  smallest so far = x[2]
         4  2  1  3  compare x[2] and x[3]
         4  2  1  3  smallest is x[2]
         4  2  1  3  swap x[0] and smallest (x[2])
         1  2  4  3  end of pass 1
Pass 2: (i=1, swapping smallest in {x[1],…,x[n-1]} with x[1])
         1  2  4  3  smallest so far = x[1]
         1  2  4  3  compare x[1] and x[2]
         1  2  4  3  compare x[1] and x[3]
         1  2  4  3  smallest is x[1]
         1  2  4  3  swap x[1] with smallest (x[1])
                     (No effect, but count the swap)
         1  2  4  3  end of pass 2
Pass 3: (i=2, swapping smallest in {x[2],…,x[n-1]} with x[2])
         1  2  4  3  smallest so far = x[2]
         1  2  4  3  compare x[2] and x[3]
         1  2  4  3  smallest so far = x[3]
         1  2  4  3  swap x[2] and smallest (x[3])
         1  2  3  4
Note:  No need for last pass (singleton is sorted!)
SORTED in 9 operations:
  3 Swaps + 6 Comparisons

5.      Insertionsort:   Repeatedly insert next element

a.      Algorithm:
For each index i from 1 to (n-1):
   Insert x[i] into the sorted list to its left.
   Do this by repeatedly swapping it down to its sorted location.
Notice that before pass k, the leftmost k elements are sorted!

b.      Example:
         4  2  1  3  unsorted array x[]
Pass 1: (i=1, inserting x[1] to its left)
         4  2  1  3  compare x[0] and x[1]
         2  4  1  3  swap them!
         2  4  1  3  end of pass 1
Pass 2: (i=2, inserting x[2] to its left)
         2  4  1  3  compare x[1] and x[2]
         2  1  4  3  swap them!
         2  1  4  3  compare x[0] and x[1]
         1  2  4  3  swap them!
         1  2  4  3  end of pass 2
Pass 3: (i=3, inserting x[3] to its left)
         1  2  4  3  compare x[2] and x[3]
         1  2  3  4  swap them!
         1  2  3  4  compare x[1] and x[2]
SORTED in 9 operations:
  4 Swaps + 5 Comparisons

6.      Bubblesort vs. Selectionsort vs. Insertionsort
               Bubble       Selection      Insertion
Original:    4  2  1  3     4  2  1  3     4  2  1  3
Pass 1:      2  1  3  4     1  2  4  3     2  4  1  3
Pass 2:      1  2  3  4     1  2  4  3     1  2  4  3
Pass 3:      1  2  3  4     1  2  3  4     1  2  3  4

7.      David Eck’s xSortLab Applet


b.      Study this!

c.      Note:  he uses the improved bubblesort

d.      Note:  his selectionsort finds the max on each pass (simple variation)

e.      Note:  counts comparisons and copies (into temp variables), not swaps
Q:  A swap would contribute how many copies?


8.      A Clear, Concise (and Sometimes Useful) 4-Line Sort
(A Variant of Insertionsort)
   import java.util.*;
   import static java.lang.System.out;

   class Foo {
         public static void swap(int[] x, int i, int j) {
               int temp = x[i];
               x[i] = x[j];
               x[j] = temp;
         public static void sort(int[] x) {
               for (int i=1; i<x.length; i++)
                     for (int j=0; j<i; j++)
                           if (x[i] < x[j])
         public static void main(String[] args) {
               int[] x = { 5, 2, 4, 1, 3 };
               out.println(Arrays.toString(x));  // [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]!

9.    A Confusing, Concise (and Never Useful) 3-Line Sort
(A Variant of the Variant of Insertionsort)

         for (int k=x.length; k<x.length*x.length; k++)
               if (x[k / x.length] < x[k % x.length])
                     swap(x,k / x.length,k % x.length);


10.  Comparable:  How to Sort a List of Strings (or other Objects)

a.      “<” is only defined for numeric types.

b.      For example:  if ("foo" < "bar") …  will not compile

c.      So:  How do we rewrite our 4-line sort to work with Strings?

d.      Answer:  Comparable Interface, with exactly one method:
int compareTo(T o)
Compares this object with the specified object for order. Returns a negative integer, zero, or a positive integer as this object is less than, equal to, or greater than the specified object.


11.A 4-Line Sort Over Comparables:
   import java.util.*;
   import static java.lang.System.out;
   class Foo {
         public static void swap(Comparable[] x, int i, int j) {
               Comparable temp = x[i];
               x[i] = x[j];
               x[j] = temp;
         public static void sort(Comparable[] x) {
               for (int i=1; i<x.length; i++)
                     for (int j=0; j<i; j++)
                           if (x[i].compareTo(x[j]) < 0)
         public static void main(String[] args) {
               String[] x = { "ab", "a", "z", "aa" };
               out.println(Arrays.toString(x));  // [a, aa, ab, z]! 

12.  Making Your Own Comparable Class (and this-n-that)
   import java.util.*;
   import static java.lang.System.out;
   class MyPoint implements Comparable {
         private int x, y;
         public MyPoint(int x, int y) { this.x = x; this.y = y; }
         public String toString() { return "("+x+","+y+")"; }
         public int compareTo(Object obj) {
               // sorts by x first, then y second
               // rename obj "that" so we can compare "this" and "that"
               MyPoint that = (MyPoint) obj;
               if (this.x != that.x)
                     return this.x - that.x;
                     return this.y - that.y;
   class Foo {
         public static void swap(Comparable[] x, int i, int j) {
               Comparable temp = x[i];
               x[i] = x[j];
               x[j] = temp;
         public static void sort(Comparable[] x) {
               for (int i=1; i<x.length; i++)
                     for (int j=0; j<i; j++)
                           if (x[i].compareTo(x[j]) < 0)
         public static void main(String[] args) {
               MyPoint[] x = { new MyPoint(2,2), new MyPoint(2,1),
                               new MyPoint(3,1), new MyPoint(1,3
) };
// [(1,3), (2,1), (2,2), (3,1)]  

13.  Built-in Sorts:  Arrays.sort and Collections.sort

a.      Fast, space-efficient, error-free, and (best of all) already written for you! J

                                                  i.      Q:  So why write your own sorts?

                                                ii.      A:  Don’t!!!!  Except in an algorithms course, of course!!!

b.      To sort an array:
   int[] x = { 5, 2, 4, 1, 3 };

c.      To sort an ArrayList (or any other Collection):
   ArrayList x = new ArrayList();

d.      Works with your custom comparables, too!
   class Foo {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
               MyPoint[] x = { new MyPoint(2,2), new MyPoint(2,1),
                               new MyPoint(3,1), new MyPoint(1,3) };
// [(1,3), (2,1), (2,2), (3,1)]  

14.  Comparator:  Sorting Non-Comparable Classes (like java.awt.Point)
   import java.util.*;
   import java.awt.Point;
   import static java.lang.System.out;
   class Foo {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
               Point[] x = { new Point(2,2), new Point(2,1),
                             new Point(3,1), new Point(1,3) };
               Comparator pointSorter = new Comparator() {
                     public int compare(Object obj1, Object obj2) {
                           Point p1 = (Point) obj1;
                           Point p2 = (Point) obj2;
                           if (p1.getX() != p2.getX())
                                 return (int)(p1.getX() - p2.getX());
                                 return (int)(p1.getY() - p2.getY());
  // [(1,3), (2,1), (2,2), (3,1)]

15.  Comparator:  Sorting Comparable Classes in Non-Standard Ways
Example:  Sort a list of numbers in absolute value order!
   import java.util.*;
   import java.awt.Point;
   import static java.lang.System.out;

   class Foo {
         public static void main(String[] args) {
               Integer[] x = { 2, 1, -1, 0, -2 };
               Comparator absValSorter = new Comparator() {
                     public int compare(Object obj1, Object obj2) {
                           Integer i1 = (Integer) obj1;
                           Integer i2 = (Integer) obj2;
                           if (Math.abs(i1) != Math.abs(i2))
                                 return Math.abs(i1) - Math.abs(i2);
// this way, for example, -2 comes before +2
                                 return i1 - i2;

               out.println(Arrays.toString(x)); // [-2, -1, 0, 1, 2]
               out.println(Arrays.toString(x));  // [0, -1, 1, -2, 2]