Computer Science 15-111 (Sections A & B), Spring 2007

Quiz 1 Practice


This is optional.  It will not be submitted and it will not be graded.


This practice sheet is meant to help you prepare for Quiz 1.  While it is representative of the kinds of problems you can generally expect, it may not be comprehensive – the quiz may include questions related to any topic we have covered in class, in readings, or in homework, and include any types of questions.

I will review the answers tonight from 6-7pm in Wean 5419-D (after reviewing the hw2 solution set from 5-6pm).  Attendance at either session is optional.




The following problems are to be solved without use of a calculator or a computer.  Work them by hand.  (This is what you will need to do on upcoming quizzes and tests!).


1.      The expression Math.round(4*Math.random()) does not generate all possible values equally often.  For each possible value, indicate the expected frequency (as a percentage), and briefly explain why this is so.

2.      Consider the following method:

public static int foo(int x) {

           if (Math.abs(x) > 20) return x/2;

           else return x + foo(-2*x);


a.      What is the result of foo(3).

b.      What happens on a call to foo(0)?

3.      Express -177 in 8-bit 2’s complement (that is, as a signed byte).

4.      What will the following code print out?

   System.out.println((byte)(65+ 'A'));

5.      How can you quickly tell if a binary number is even or odd?  Does this work for negative numbers (in two’s complement), too?

6.      Convert any number from/to binary/octal/decimal/hexadecimal.

7.      Evaluating the expression (5 % 0) results in a division by zero exception.  Explain.

8.      TRUE or FALSE:  if (a !=0), then ((x – (x % a)) % a) always equals 0.

9.      Use a truth table to prove DeMorgan’s Laws.  This shows that you recan rewrite And(x,y) using only Or(x,y) and Not(x).  Thus, we really don’t need the && operator, do we?  But it is convenient!

10.  Nand(x,y) is a boolean function that returns true iff And(x,y) returns false (“Nand” means “Not And”).

a.      Show that you can rewrite Not(x) using only Nand’s.

b.      Show that you can rewrite And(x,y) using only Nand’s (using part (a)).

c.      Show that you can rewrite Or(x,y) using only Nand’s (use the previous question).

d.      Aside (you can skip this, but it’s fascinating)::  given any logical expression, we can reduce it to Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF), which uses only And, Or, and Not (we do this by writing a truth table, then expressing the function as an Or of the rows where it is true, which are expressed as an And of the variables or their negations).  This is why we only get those three logical operators – no other ones are needed.  However, we just demonstrated that you can reduce And, Or, and Not all to a bunch of Nand’s, and so you really only need ONE logical operator:  Nand.  It would be clumsy, but doable.  Amazing!

11.  What will the following code print out?

int x = 4, y = 2;

if ((x++ > 4) && (--y == 1))



12.  What will the following code print out?

     byte b = 16;

     System.out.println(b*b + b == b);

     int x = 16;

     System.out.println((byte)(x*x + x) == x);