Computer Science 15-111 (Sections A & B), Spring 2007

Homework #2 (part 1)

  Due:  Mon 22-Jan-2007 as you enter class.




1.      Express -122 in 8-bit 2’s complement (that is, as a signed byte).

To do this, we find positive 122 in 8-bit binary and then negate it.

We learned two distinct ways to convert 122 to binary.  First, we can repeatedly take out the largest remaining power of 2, as in:

122 = 64 + 58
    = 64 + 32 + 26
    = 64 + 32 + 16 + 10
    = 64 + 32 + 16 + 8 +      2
Then we write the corresponding bits, including 0’s for the missing powers of 2
  1   1    1   1   0   1  02  (the subscript 2 means “binary”)
Finally, we pad this to 8 bits to get:
=  0111 10102

Alternatively, we can repeatedly take the remainder when dividing by 2 to get the bits in reverse, as in:

122 % 2 = 0
122 / 2 = 61,  61 % 2 = 1
 61 / 2 = 30,  30 % 2 = 0
 30 / 2 = 15,  15 % 2 = 1
 15 / 2 =  7,   7 % 2 = 1
  7 / 2 =  3,   3 % 2 = 1
  3 / 2 =  1,   1 % 2 = 1
  1 / 2 =  0. Done.

Now we read the bits on the right from the bottom up to get: 
122 =  111 10102, and then we pad out to 8 bits as above to get:
122 =  0111 10102

To find -122, we just negate this value by flipping the bits and adding 1:
122  =  0111 10102
flip =  1000 0101
        1000 0110 = -122

Check:  Converting to hex, we have 1000 = 8 and 0110 = 4 + 2 = 6, so we can check our result with the following Java code:
And, indeed, this prints out -122.

2.      For what value of x does ((byte) 137) == x) evaluate to true?

137 is larger than the largest signed byte value, which is 127, so this is an example of overflow.

Converting to binary (as above), 137 = 1000 1001 (unsigned).  Actually, 137 is stored as an int at that point, so it is 32 bits, as such:
0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 0000 1000 10001

Now, when we cast 137 to a byte, we keep only the lowest 8 bits.  So we get:
1000 1001.  But these are now interpreted as signed bits.  So this is a negative number.  Which one?  Well, we negate it to find out:

original:  1000 1001
flipped:   0111 0110
negation:  0111 0111 = 0x77 = 7*16 + 7 = 119.

Since we negated the number to get 119, the answer is -119.

Check:  The following prints “true”:
   int x = -119;
   System.out.println(((byte) 137) == x);

3.      Convert 0xE3 to binary, octal, and decimal.

0xE = 14 = 8 + 4 + 2 = 1110
0x3 =  2 + 1 = 0011
So, 0xE3 = 1110 0011

For octal, it’s perhaps easiest to convert the binary to a multiple of 3, so 9 bits, then convert these in groups of 3 to octal:

0xE3 = 1110 0111 = 011 100 011 = 0343  (that’s 3438)

Finally, 0xE3 = 14 * 16 + 3 = 227.

Check:  The following prints out 227 three times:

4.      Convert decimal 173 to binary, octal, and hexadecimal.

To hex:  173 = 10 * 16 + 13, so the digits are 10 (0xA) and 13 (0xD).
So:  173 = 0xAD.

Now, 0xA = 8 + 2 = 10102   and   0xD = 8 + 4 + 1 = 11012, so:
173 = 0xAD = 1010 1101

Finally, we group the bits by 3 to convert to octal as such:
173 = 0xAD = 1010 1101 = 010 101 101 = 0255 (that’s 2558).

Check:  The following prints out 173 three times:

5.      We know that (1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + ... + 2n) + 1 = 2(n+1).  Rewrite this statement in binary (rather than decimal) and briefly explain why writing it this way makes it plainly true.

              1  =           1
              2  =         1 0
              4  =       1 0 0
              8  =     1 0 0 0

              2n = 1 0 0… 0 0 0  [ 1 followed by n 0’s ]
             sum= 1 1 1 1 1 1 1  [ (n+1) 1’s]
                            + 1
                  1 0 0 … 0 0 0  [ 1 followed by (n+1) 0’s ]
                  = 2(n+1)

Powers of 2 in binary are a 1 followed by 0’s.  Specifically, 2n is a 1 followed by n 0’s.  So each addend in that (1 + 2 + 4 + 8 + ... + 2n) contributes a bit in the sum 1111…111.  Adding 1 leads to the next power of 2, plainly.  Any explanation like this will suffice.

6.      In just a few words of plain English, assuming n and m are positive int’s, describe under what conditions x will be set to true in this code:
   boolean x = (n / m * m == n);

This tests if m is a factor of n.  That is, if (n % m == 0).

Consider:  if m is not a factor of m, then n/m will truncate (it’s integer division, after all).  Thus, n/m will be smaller than expected.  When we multiply by m, we will get a result smaller than n.  So, for m,n > 0, if m is not a factor of n,
(n / m * m < n).

Now, if m is a factor of n, then n/m will equal an integer, so there is no truncation.  Thus, when we multiply by m again, we will get n.

Check:  The following code never says “Oh no!”:
   for (int n=1; n<1000; n++)
        for (int m=1; m<1000; m++) {
             boolean x = (n / m * m == n);
             boolean y = (n % m == 0);
             if (x != y) System.out.println("Oh no!");

7.      For what two values of byte b does (((byte)-b) == b)) evaluate to true?

0 should be readily apparent.  For the other value, consider that we are asking when negative b equals b.  This cannot be true in the general case!  So we expect that this problem involves overflow, where math gets a bit wacky.  Now, positive 127 (the largest byte) can be negated to -127, so that’s not it.  But -128 (the smallest byte), when negated, should be +128, but that’s too big to fit in a byte!  So what is -128 when negated:

-128    = 1000 0000 (in 8-bit two’s complement)
flipped = 0111 1111
negated = 1000 0000 = -128
Bingo!  Due to overflow, -(-128) == -128 if we’re dealing in signed bytes.

Now, to be very precise about what’s happening here:  Java does not do math in signed bytes!  So here is how the left-hand side is evaluated:
a) start with ((byte) –b)
b) evaluate b, which is -128, which is widened to an ‘int’, so we have ((byte) -(-128))
c) evaluate -(-128) to get +128, so now we have ((byte)128).  The key is that 128 is still an ‘int’ here, and at this point it is positive (we have negated -128)
d) cast the 128 to a signed byte.  This is where the overflow occurs!!!  128 is too large to fit in a signed byte, and it overflows to -128!
e) widen the signed byte -128 back to an ‘int’.  Remember:  Java does not do math in signed bytes.  So to evaluate the equals, it must cast back to an ‘int’.  Thus, the left hand side evaluates to the ‘int’ -128.

Now onto the right-hand-side:
a) evaluate b, which is -128.
b) widen the signed byte -128 to an ‘int’, producing the ‘int’ -128.

So at this point, both sides contain the ‘int’ value -128, and so yes, they are ==.

Check:  The following code prints out -128 and 0:
   for (int i=-128; i<=127; i++) {
        byte b = (byte) i;
        if (((byte)-b) == b)

8.      In Two’s Complement, the number 111…1 always represents what decimal number?

-1.  To see this, we first see that +1 is always 000…0001.  So to find -1, we negate this:

+1      = 000...0001
flipped = 111...1110
-1      = 111...1111

Check:  The following code prints out -1’s:

9.      The following code will not loop forever.  Very briefly, why not?

int x = 1;
while (x > 0) x++;

Overflow.  Eventualy, x reaches the largest valid int, 231-1.  Then, we add one, and it overflows, actually becoming the smallest negative int, -231.  In any case, it is then negative, and so (x > 0) is false, and the loop breaks.

Check:  Run the code  Wait 5 or 10 seconds. Watch it halt.

10.           What will the following code print out?
int a = 68, b = 3;
int x = a++ - --b;

In evaluating x, a is post-incremented, so 68 is used, and b is pre-decremented, so 2 is used.  68 – 2 equals 66.  So after this line:
   a = 69, which is ASCII E (A is 65, B is 66, C is 67, D is 68, E is 69)
   b = 2
   x = 66, which is ASCII B.
When we print these out, the %c means to cast to a char and print as ASCII, and the %3d says to print as an ‘int’ but to make the field 3 chars wide, so we get:

BE  2 (the underlines are spaces, so that’s ‘B’ ‘E’ ‘<space> <space> ‘2’)

Check:  Run the code, watch it print BE  2.

11.           What will the following code print out?
System.out.println(1 + '2' % 3 * 4);

You should know that % has the same precedence as *, and both are left-to-right, so the % comes first.  ‘2’ is ASCII 50, so we get:

(1 + '2' % 3 * 4) = (1 + (50 % 3) * 4)
                  = (1 +     2    * 4)
                  = (1 +          8  )
                  = 9

Check:  Run the code, watch it print 9.