Computer Science 15-100, Fall 2008
Class Notes:  Code Tracing

  1. Trace variable declaration and assignment
  2. Trace multiple variable declarations
  3. Trace multiple steps on one line
  4. Trace a conditional
  5. Trace a loop
  6. Trace a method call
    1. Without source code
    2. With source code

Code Tracing

  1. Trace variable declaration and assignment
    1  class Foo {
    2    public static void main(String[] args) {
    3      int x = 3;
    4      System.out.println("Now x = " + x);
    5      x += 5;
    6      System.out.println("And now x = " + x);
    7    }
    8  }



    Method: 'main'

    Line Action x
    2 start ---
    3 set x to 3 3
    4 print "Now x = 3"  
    5 set x to 8 8
    6 print "And now x = 8"  
    7 return  


  2. Trace multiple variable declarations
    1  class Foo {
    2    public static void main(String[] args) {
    3      int x = 3;
    4      System.out.println("Here x = " + x);
    5      x += 5;
    6      int y = 4;
    7      System.out.println("And here x,y = " + x + "," + y);
    8    }
    9  }



    Method: 'main'

    Line Action x y
    2 start --- ---
    3 set x to 3 3  
    4 print "Here x = 3"    
    5 set x to 8 8  
    6 set y to 4   4
    7 print "And here x,y = 8,4"    
    8 return    


  3. Trace multiple steps on one line
    1  class Foo {
    2    public static void main(String[] args) {
    3      int x = 3, y = 4;
    4      System.out.println("Here x,y = " + x + "," + y);
    5      y = 2 * (x = 5);
    6      System.out.println("And here x,y = " + x + "," + y);
    7      }
    8  }



    Method: 'main'

    Line Action x y
    2 start --- ---
    3 set x to 3 3  
    3 set y to 4   4
    4 print "Here x,y = 3,4"    
    5 set x = 5 5  
    5 set y = 10   10
    6 print "And here x,y = 5,10"    
    7 return    


  4. Trace a conditional
     1  class Foo {
     2    public static void main(String[] args) {
     3      int i = -3;
     4      if (i > 0)
     5        System.out.println(i + " is positive");
     6      else if (i == 0)
     7        System.out.println(i + " is zero");
     8      else
     9        System.out.println(i + " is negative");
    10    }
    11  }



    Method: 'main'

    Line Action i
    2 start ---
    3 set i to -3 -3
    4 test if (-3 > 0)  
    6 test if (-3 == 0)  
    9 print "-3 is negative"  
    10 return  


  5. Trace a loop
    1  class Foo {
    2    public static void main(String[] args) {
    3      String s = "ab";
    4      for (int i=0; i<s.length(); i++)
    5        System.out.println(s.charAt(i));
    6    }
    7  }



    Method: 'main'

    Line Action s i
    2 start --- ---
    3 set s to "abc" "abc"  
    4 set i to 0   0
    4 test if (0 < 2)    
    5 print "a"    
    4 set i to 1   1
    4 test if (1 < 2)    
    5 print "b"    
    4 set i to 2   2
    4 test if (2 < 2)    
    6 return    


  6. Trace a method call
    1. Without source code
      1  class Foo {
      2    public static void main(String[] args) {
      3      int x = 3, y = 4;
      4      int lesser = Math.min(x,y);
      5      System.out.println("lesser = " + lesser);
      6    }
      7  }



      Method: 'main'

      Line Action x y lesser
      2 start --- --- ---
      3 set x to 3 3    
      3 set y to 4   4  
      4 call Math.min(3,4)
      returns 3
      4 set lesser to 3     3
      5 print "lesser = 3"      
      6 return      

      Another Example:

      1  class Foo {
      2    public static void main(String[] args) {
      3      int x = 3, y = 4;
      4      int z = Math.min(x, (int)Math.sqrt(y));
      5      System.out.println("z = " + z);
      6    }
      7  }



      Method: 'main'

      Line Action x y z
      2 start --- --- ---
      3 set x to 3 3    
      3 set y to 4   4  
      4 call Math.sqrt(4)
      returns 2.0
      4 call Math.min(3,2)
      returns 2
      4 set z to 2     2
      5 print "z = 2"      
      6 return      


    2. With source code
       1  class Foo {
       2    public static int times(int x, int y) {
       3      return x*y;
       4    }
       6    public static void main(String[] args) {
       7      int x = 3, y = 4;
       8      int z = times(x,y);
       9      System.out.println("z = " + z);
      10    }
      11  }



      Method: 'main'

      Line Action x y z
      6 start --- --- ---
      7 set x to 3 3    
      7 set y to 4   4  
      8 call times(3,4)      

      Method: 'times'

      Line Action x y
      2 start 3 4
      3 return 12    
      8 returns 12      
      8 set z to 12     12
      9 print "z = 12"      
      10 return      

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