In this step, we have our falling piece respond to
left-arrow, right-arrow, and down-arrow key presses by moving in the given
direction. Also, for testing purposes, we will add temporary code that
changes the falling piece whenever any other key is pressed. This code
will be removed after this step.
Actually, we only want to move in a given direction if it is
legal to do so. There are two reasons why it may not be legal:
the falling piece may wind up off of the board, or a part of the falling
piece may collide with a non-empty cell on the board. In either case,
we should not move the falling piece. Among other consequences, this
means that for now, once pieces reach the bottom of the board, we will not
be able to move them any lower, yet we will not place them on the board.
That comes later. For now, the piece will stay there until we use the
temporary test code to change the falling piece (which also places the new
falling piece back at the top-center of the board).
One approach would be to test if a move is legal first, and
if it is, then make the move. That approach requires different code,
however, to test for each type of move we might make (left, right, down,
and, eventually, rotation), which is unnecessarily complicated. An
easier approach is to blindly make the move, then test if the result
of the move is legal. If it is not legal, then unmake the move.
In this way, a single legal move test can be used for any sort of move.
Explaining moveFallingPiece:
Here, we will write a single method that will move the falling piece a given
number of rows and columns. The signature for this method is:
public void
moveFallingPiece(int drow, int dcol)
We use "drow" to signify a change in rows (the "d" in "drow" stands
for the mathematical symbol "delta", meaning change).
Similarly, "dcol" is the change in columns. Consider: a
move to the left would change our column by -1 (since columns go down
to the left), and keep our row constant. Thus, with this method, we
can move to the left by calling moveFallingPiece(0,-1). Similarly, we
can move to the right with moveFallingPiece(0,+1). And to move down,
we hold our column constant and add one to our row:
Writing moveFallingPiece:
As noted above, we proceed in three steps. First, we simply make the
move by modifying the instance variables storing the location of the
left-top corner of the falling piece. Next, we test if this new location of the falling piece is legal.
We do this using top-down design, so we assume the method
fallingPieceIsLegal exists at this point, and we'll actually write it in a
moment. If the new location is not legal (because it was off the board
or because it collided with a non-empty cell on the board), then we undo the
move we just made, by resetting the instance variables to their original
values prior to the call to moveFallingPiece.
Explaining fallingPieceIsLegal:
This method is similar to paintFallingPiece. It iterates over every
cell (every row and every column), and for those cells which are part of the
falling piece (that is, where the falling piece array has a "true" value),
rather than paint the cell (as paintFallingPiece does), this method confirms
that: (1) the cell is in fact on the board; and (2) the color at that
location on the board is the emptyColor. If either of these checks
fails, the method immediately returns false. If all the checks succeed
for every cell, the method returns true.
Writing keyPressed:
We modify the keyPressed handler to call moveFallingPiece
to move left, right, or down in response to left-arrow, right-arrow, or
down-arrow key presses (and to change the falling piece in response to any
other key press for now).
David Kosbie |