basicAnimationDemo1 code
# version 0.5
# Barebones mouse and keyboard events (no timer events yet...)
# without (much) event-based programming or (much) object-oriented programming
# To run this, first save in the same folder as this file.
from Tkinter import *
from basicAnimation import BasicAnimationRunner
def myBasicAnimation(app, canvas):
(x,y,r) = (app.width/2, app.height/2, 25)
while app.isRunning():
(eventType, event) = app.getEvent()
if (eventType == "mousePressed"):
(x,y) = (event.x, event.y)
elif (eventType == "keyPressed"):
if (event.keysym == "Up"): y -= 10
elif (event.keysym == "Down"): y += 10
elif (event.keysym == "Left"): x -= 10
elif (event.keysym == "Right"): x += 10
canvas.create_rectangle(x-r, y-r, x+r, y+r, fill="green")
canvas.create_text(app.width/2, app.height/2,
text="Click mouse or press Arrow keys.")
print "Done!"
BasicAnimationRunner(myBasicAnimation, width=300, height=300)