CMU 15-112: Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science
Class Notes: Huffman Encoding Accessibility Application - Typing interface

  1. Accessibility Keyboard Demo
  2. Efficiency Analysis
  1. Accessibility Keyboard Demo

    Note: This work was inspired by a similar feature of Android's switchaccess. The original code is here. You will want to in particular look at and

    ############################################################################### # An implementation of a very basic typing interface designed for users with # motor imparment who are not able to use a traditional keyboard but are rather # rather constrained to using only one or two switches. # # In paricular this typing interface is designed to show how Huffman encoding # can improve the typing efficiency of these users in particular if a good # language model is utilized. Here we're using a naive language model that is # based only on English letter frequencies. A better model would further # illustrate how powerful Huffman encoding can be in improving the typing # efficiency. # # Author: Rudina Morina ( ############################################################################## from Animation import Animation from tkinter import * import string import heapq def rgbString(red, green, blue): return "#%02x%02x%02x" % (red, green, blue) # A class utilized to build the huffman and the linear tree class TreeNode(object): def __init__(self, freq=None, char=None, left=None, right=None): self.char = char self.freq = freq self.left = left self.right = right def isLeaf(self): return (self.left == None and self.right == None) # needed mainly for debugging purposes def __repr__(self): return "TreeNode(char=%s, freq=%s)" % (self.char, self.freq) def __lt__(self, other): return self.freq < other.freq class TextBox(object): def __init__(self, font, canvas, width, height): self.font = font self.canvas = canvas self.width = width self.height = height self.typedSequence = "" self.textMargin = 10 self.boxXMargin, self.boxYMargin = 50, 60 self.textBoxHeight = self.height/2 - 3*self.boxYMargin self.textBoxWidth = self.width - 2*self.boxXMargin def textSize(self, text): temp = self.canvas.create_text(0, 0, text=text, anchor=NW, font=self.font) (x0, y0, x1, y1) = self.canvas.bbox(temp) self.canvas.delete(temp) return (x1-x0, y1-y0) def draw(self): # draw the text box textBoxLeft, textBoxTop = self.boxXMargin, self.boxYMargin textBoxRight = textBoxLeft + self.textBoxWidth textBoxBottom = textBoxTop + self.textBoxHeight self.canvas.create_rectangle(textBoxLeft, textBoxTop, textBoxRight, textBoxBottom) # draw the text textXStart = self.boxXMargin + self.textMargin textYStart = self.boxYMargin + self.textMargin maxCharHeight = 0 for char in self.typedSequence: charWidth, charHeight = self.textSize(char) maxCharHeight = max(charHeight, maxCharHeight) if (textXStart + charWidth > textBoxRight - self.textMargin): # filled the current line, move to the next line textYStart += (maxCharHeight + self.textMargin) textXStart = self.boxXMargin + self.textMargin if (textYStart > textBoxBottom - self.textMargin): print("The current page is filled") return self.canvas.create_text(textXStart, textYStart, text=char, font=self.font, anchor=NW) textXStart += charWidth def addChar(self, char): if (char == "_"): # add space self.typedSequence += " " else: self.typedSequence += char class Keyboard(object): KEYS = list(string.ascii_lowercase) + ["_"] # scanning methods: linear and probability-based utilizing huffman encoding HUFFMAN = "huffman" LINEAR = "linear" # we're utilizing binary trees to create the huffman and linear encoding so # the keys of a keyboard are seperated into two buckets. LEFT = "left" RIGHT = "right" def __init__(self, canvas, width, height, languageModel=None): self.languageModel = languageModel self.keyboardContent = [ Keyboard.KEYS[0 : 10], Keyboard.KEYS[10 : 19], Keyboard.KEYS[19 : ] ] self.canvas = canvas self.width = width self.height = height self.unreachableKeys = set() self.rightKeys = set() self.leftKeys = set() self.scanningMethod = Keyboard.LINEAR self.leftKeysColor = rgbString(204, 255, 204) # light green self.rightKeysColor = rgbString(255, 255, 255) # white def draw(self): xMargin, yMargin, keyMargin = 50, 100, 10 keyboardX, keyboardY = xMargin, self.height/2 + yMargin #TODO: fix the magic numbers keySize = (self.width - 2*xMargin - 9*keyMargin) / 10 rowMargin = keySize / 3 for row in range(len(self.keyboardContent)): keyboardX += row*rowMargin for col in range(len(self.keyboardContent[row])): curChar = self.keyboardContent[row][col] curKeyX = keyboardX + (keySize + keyMargin)*col curKeyY = keyboardY + (keySize + keyMargin)*row rectFill = rgbString(255, 255, 255) border = rgbString(0, 0, 0) if curChar in self.leftKeys: rectFill = self.leftKeysColor elif curChar in self.rightKeys: rectFill = self.rightKeysColor elif curChar in self.unreachableKeys: border = rgbString(136,136,136) # light gray self.canvas.create_rectangle(curKeyX, curKeyY, curKeyX + keySize, curKeyY + keySize, fill=rectFill, outline=border) self.canvas.create_text(curKeyX + keySize/2, curKeyY + keySize/2, text=curChar, fill=border) def addUnreachableKeys(self, keys): self.unreachableKeys = self.unreachableKeys.union(keys) def resetKeys(self): self.unreachableKeys = set() self.rightKeys = set() self.leftKeys = set() def setRightKeys(self, keys): self.rightKeys = keys def setLeftKeys(self, keys): self.leftKeys = keys def setScanningMethod(self, scanningMethod): self.resetKeys() self.scanningMethod = scanningMethod if (self.scanningMethod == Keyboard.LINEAR): self.leftKeysColor = rgbString(204, 255, 204) # light green self.rightKeysColor = rgbString(255, 255, 255) # white else: self.leftKeysColor = rgbString(204, 255, 204) # light green self.rightKeysColor = rgbString(255,239,213) # light orange class Editor(Animation): def __init__(self, font="Arial 30", languageModel=None): self.languageModel = languageModel self.font = font def buildLinearTree(self): tree = None for i in range(len(Keyboard.KEYS) - 1, -1, -1): char = Keyboard.KEYS[i] charNode = TreeNode(char=char) tree = TreeNode(left=charNode, right=tree) return tree def buildHuffmanTree(self): huffmanNodes = [] for char in self.languageModel: huffmanNodes.append(TreeNode(self.languageModel[char], char)) heapq.heapify(huffmanNodes) while (len(huffmanNodes) > 1): # obtain the two minimum-frequency Huffman nodes child1 = heapq.heappop(huffmanNodes) child2 = heapq.heappop(huffmanNodes) parent = TreeNode(child1.freq + child2.freq, left=child1, right=child2) heapq.heappush(huffmanNodes, parent) return None if huffmanNodes == [] else heapq.heappop(huffmanNodes) def getNodes(self, path): # get all the node to the left or to the right of the current node nodesToHighlight = set() if (self.curNode == None): return nodesToHighlight def walkTree(tree): if (tree == None): return if (tree.left == None and tree.right == None): nodesToHighlight.add(tree.char) walkTree(tree.left) walkTree(tree.right) if (path == Keyboard.LEFT): walkTree(self.curNode.left) else: walkTree(self.curNode.right) return nodesToHighlight def drawScanPrefButtons(self): if (self.keyboard.scanningMethod == Keyboard.HUFFMAN): hBoxFill = rgbString(192,192,192) lBoxFill = rgbString(255, 255, 255) else: hBoxFill = rgbString(255, 255, 255) lBoxFill = rgbString(192,192,192) hBoxLeft = self.boxLeft self.canvas.create_rectangle(hBoxLeft, self.boxTop, hBoxLeft + self.boxWidth, self.boxTop + self.boxHeight, fill=hBoxFill) self.canvas.create_text(hBoxLeft + self.boxWidth/2, self.boxTop + self.boxHeight/2, text="Huffman Scan") lBoxLeft = hBoxLeft + self.boxWidth + self.boxMargin self.canvas.create_rectangle(lBoxLeft, self.boxTop, lBoxLeft + self.boxWidth, self.boxTop + self.boxHeight, fill=lBoxFill) self.canvas.create_text(lBoxLeft + self.boxWidth/2, self.boxTop + self.boxHeight/2, text="Linear Scan") def redrawAll(self): self.keyboard.draw() self.textBox.draw() self.drawScanPrefButtons() if (self.keyboard.scanningMethod == Keyboard.HUFFMAN): text = "Press Space to select the orange keys and Enter to select"\ " the green keys." else: text = "Press Space to move to the next key and Enter to select"\ " the currently highlighted key" self.canvas.create_text(self.instructionLeft, self.instructionTop, text=text) def init(self): self.boxTop, self.boxLeft = self.height/2, 50 self.boxWidth = 150 self.boxHeight = 30 self.boxMargin = 20 self.instructionLeft = self.width/2 self.instructionTop = 20 self.keyboard = Keyboard(self.canvas, self.width, self.height, self.languageModel) self.textBox = TextBox(self.font, self.canvas, self.width, self.height) self.treeRoot = self.buildLinearTree() self.curNode = None def mousePressed(self, event): # We don't have a language model so the only scanning method we can use # is linear if (self.languageModel == None): return hBoxLeft = self.boxLeft lBoxLeft = hBoxLeft + self.boxWidth + self.boxMargin boxBottom = self.boxTop + self.boxHeight if (event.x >= hBoxLeft and event.x <= hBoxLeft + self.boxWidth and event.y >= self.boxTop and event.y <= boxBottom): self.keyboard.setScanningMethod(Keyboard.HUFFMAN) self.treeRoot = self.buildHuffmanTree() self.curNode = None elif (event.x >= lBoxLeft and event.x <= lBoxLeft + self.boxWidth and event.y >= self.boxTop and event.y <= boxBottom): self.keyboard.setScanningMethod(Keyboard.LINEAR) self.treeRoot = self.buildLinearTree() def keyPressed(self, event): # only recognize 2 keys if(event.keysym != "space" and event.keysym != "Return"): return if (event.keysym == "space"): if (self.curNode == None): self.curNode = self.treeRoot else: # if we move to the right of the current node, all the nodes to # the left of the current node won't be reachable anymore newUnreachableKeys = self.getNodes(Keyboard.LEFT) self.keyboard.addUnreachableKeys(newUnreachableKeys) self.curNode = self.curNode.right elif (event.keysym == "Return"): if (self.curNode == None): self.curNode = self.treeRoot else: # if we move to the left of the current node, all the nodes to # the right of the current node won't be reachable anymore newUnreachableKeys = self.getNodes(Keyboard.LEFT) self.keyboard.addUnreachableKeys(newUnreachableKeys) self.curNode = self.curNode.left if (self.curNode == None): self.keyboard.resetKeys() self.curNode = self.treeRoot elif (self.curNode.isLeaf()): self.textBox.addChar(self.curNode.char) self.keyboard.resetKeys() self.curNode = self.treeRoot # based on the curNode, divide the reachable keys into two buckets, the # one to the left of the current node and the one to the right of the # current node self.keyboard.setLeftKeys(self.getNodes(Keyboard.LEFT)) self.keyboard.setRightKeys(self.getNodes(Keyboard.RIGHT)) # a language model based on frequency of English letters languageModel = { "e": 10.02, "t": 9.10, "a": 8.12, "o": 7.68, "i": 7.31, "n": 6.95, "s": 6.28, "r": 6.02, "h": 5.92, "d": 4.32, "l": 3.98, "u": 2.88, "c": 2.71, "m": 2.61, "f": 2.30, "y": 2.11, "w": 2.09, "g": 2.03, "_": 2.0, "p": 1.82, "b": 1.49, "v": 1.11, "k": 0.69, "x": 0.17, "q": 0.11, "j": 0.10, "z": 0.07 } editor = Editor(languageModel=languageModel), 800)

  2. Efficiency Analysis

    How many key presses does it take for each character when using linear vs. huffman scanning?

    Character Linear Huffman
    'a' 1 4
    'b' 2 6
    'c' 3 5
    'd' 4 5
    'e' 5 3
    'f' 6 5
    'g' 7 6
    'h' 8 4
    'i' 9 4
    'j' 10 10
    'k' 11 7
    'l' 12 5
    'm' 13 5
    'n' 14 4
    'o' 15 4
    'p' 16 6
    'q' 17 9
    'r' 18 4
    's' 19 4
    't' 20 3
    'u' 21 5
    'v' 22 6
    'w' 23 6
    'x' 24 8
    'y' 25 6
    'z' 26 10
    'space' 27 6