CMU 15-112 Fall 2015 Quiz 3 Practice: Code Tracing
(Due never)
- This is part of quiz3-practice.
- Quiz3 code tracing will be nearly identical to these.
# Code Tracing #1 of 3
def ct1(s, t):
result = ""
for c in s:
if (c.upper() not in "NO!!!"):
i = t.find(c)
if (result != ""): result += ":"
result += "%d%s%s%s" % (i, c, s[i], t[i])
return result
print(ct1("net", "two"))
# Code Tracing #2 of 3
def ct2(s):
result = ""
d = ord("a")
for c in s.lower():
if (c.isalpha() and (ord(c) >= d)):
result += str(ord(c) - d) + chr(d)
d += 1
return result
print(ct2("Be a CA?!?"))
# Code Tracing #3 of 3
def ct3(s):
result = ""
while (len(s) > 1):
result += s[:1] + s[2:4] + "."
s = s[1:-1:2]
return result + s