CMU 15-110: Principles of Computing
Social Media and Hate Speech
- Note: we started today with a moment of silence in memory of the victims of the tragedy at Tree of Life this past weekend.
- See here for more details.
Here are the videos from class today, including a few other resources:
Ten Ways to Fight Hate: A Community Response Guide (Southern Poverty Law Center)
Also see this article - Where the battle over free speech is being waged online (CNN) (video and article)
- Fighting Online Hate Speech (Google) (video and article)
- Facebook Community Standards: Hate Speech (article)
- Innovate Against Hate: Campus Challenge (Anti-Defamation League) (video and article)
- Best Practices for Responding to Cyberhate (Anti-Defamation League) (videos and article)
- Countering Online Hate Speech (UNESCO) (article)