CMU 15-110: Principles of Computing
Week3 Practice (Due never)
1. Code Tracing
What will this code print? Figure it out by hand, then run the code to confirm. Then slightly edit the code and try again.
- Trace #1:
def f(m, n): j = 0 k = 0 for i in range(m, n): j += i k += 1 return j*k print(f(3,6)) print(f(6,3))
- Trace #2:
def f(z): m = 0 while (m < z): m = (m + 1)*2 return m-z print(f(25)) print(f(f(25)))
- Trace #3:
def f(n): result = '' sides = n center = 1 for row in range(n): for col in range(60): if (row%2 == 0): result += '~' elif (col%2 == 0): result += '*' else: result += ':' result += '\n' # add a newline to the string! return result print(f(7))
- Trace #4:
# team-hw ct1: def f(n): r = 0 while (n > 0): r = 10*r + (n%10) n //= 10 return r print(f(12345)) print(f(10200))
- Trace #5:
# team-hw ct2: def f(n): k = 0 while (k**2 < n): k += 1 return k**2 print(f(99)) print(f(101))
- Trace #6:
# team-hw ct3: def f(n, bits): maxValue = 2**bits - 1 if (n > maxValue): return 'Not enough bits!' result = '' for k in range(bits-1, -1, -1): kthBit = n // 2**k % 2 result += str(kthBit) return result print(f(0,4)) print(f(3,4)) print(f(6,4)) print(f(15,4)) print(f(16,4))
- drawGrid(rows, cols)
Using the CS Academy sandbox, write the functiondrawGrid(rows, cols)
so that it draws a grid that fills the canvas with the given number of rows and cols. For example, drawGrid(5, 5) draws this:
and drawGrid(20, 10) draws this (note: 20 rows and 10 cols, not vice versa):
- rockPaperScissorsLizardSpock()
Write the functionrockPaperScissorsLizardSpock()
that works just like our rockPaperScissors case study, but includes Lizard and Spock, like the game here.
Free Response (Problem-Solving)