CMU 15-112: Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science
Week2 Plan

  1. This plan is tentative. We may adapt it as appropriate.
  2. You are encouraged (though not required) to leave the exercises that we plan to cover for-green-check-credit in lecture and recitation to those events, and not do them yourself sooner. That will lead to the most efficient and enjoyable learning experience for you.
Tuesday Lecture:
Note: finish reading all of Unit 3 (with checkpoints) before Tuesday's lecture. Wed Recitation:
Thu lecture:
Note: try to finish reading (with checkpoints) as much of Unit 4 (1d Lists and Tuples) as you can before Thursday's lecture. However, as noted below, you will have until Sunday this week to complete this reading, since there is a lot of it. Fri Homework (hw2):
The following are the required exercises for hw2 that will not be covered for green-check credit in lecture or recitation: Sun Reading:
This week you have 2 extra days after the hw2 deadline to complete the reading (and checkpoints) on 1d Lists and Tuples. In addition, you should start the 2d Lists reading if you can.

Note that the exercises listed in the previous section (Fri Homework) are still due on Friday by 11:59pm.

carpe diem