CMU 15-112: Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science
Week3 Plan
Tuesday Lecture:
Note: finish reading all of Unit 4 through Tuples (with checkpoints) by Sunday, and in any case before Tuesday's lecture.
- Quiz2
- 4.2.15. removeEvens (mutating and nonmutating) (for green-check credit)
- 4.3.4. satisfyExpressions (for green-check credit)
- 4.2.16. isNearlySorted (for green-check credit)
- 4.2.16. repeatingPattern (for green-check credit)
- 4.3.3. lookAndSay + inverseLookAndSay (for green-check credit)
- Preview (notes, not exercises):
- Unit 4.4: 2d Lists
- And more...
The following are the required exercises for hw3 that will not be covered for green-check credit in lecture or recitation:
4.2.16. 1d Lists Section Exercises (all required):
- removeRepeats (mutating and nonmutating) (1 pt)
- firstNEvenFibonacciNumbers (1 pt)
- bowlingScore (2 pts)
- multiplyPolynomials (3 pts)
- firstNAcceptedValues (3 pts)
4.3.3. Tuples Section Exercises (all required):
- areaOfPolygon (1 pt)
- bestTimeToMeet (1 pt)
- isClique (1 pt)
4.2.17. 1d Lists Honors Exercises (optional / bonus):
- linearRegression (4 pts)
- runSimpleProgram (4 pts)