Computer Science 15-110 (Lecture 4), Spring 2010
Homework 10a
Due:  Thu 8-Apr-2010 at 10pm (see hw10 for details)

This part of hw10 is collaborative (so you should work in small groups).  The same rules as hw5 apply (read them carefully!), except the grading guidelines will be adapted to suit this week's material.

  1. EventsPractice
  2. ClickIt!
  3. BallAroundSquare

  1. EventsPractice
    In the file, write a program that displays 3 separate horizontals rectangles displaying each of the 3 versions of the EventsPractice animated rectangles from recitation.  Include the bold blue text.
  2. ClickIt!
    In the file, finish the ClickIt! game you worked on in recitation.
  3. BallAroundSquare
    Continuing with your group work in recitation, in the file, finish the BallAroundSquare animation from recitation.

Carpe diem!