Computer Science 15-110 (Lecture 4), Spring 2010
Homework 10b
Due:  Thu 8-Apr-2010 at 10pm (see hw10 for details)

This part of hw10 is non-collaborative (so you must work alone).  The same rules as hw4 apply (read them carefully!).

  1. Simple Invaders Game

  1. Simple Invaders Game
    In a file named, write this simple Invaders game.
    Note: If this applet does not run in your web browser, you can try running this equivalent jar file:
    Note that you move the blue paddle with left/right keys, and fire with the space bar. The red ball is fired randomly (though always downward). You should use bounding boxes for all collision tests (this makes the game a bit easier to implement). Play the game in order to determine the rest of the design spec.

Carpe diem!