Practice Questions: Arrays

Consider the Student and Roster classes below.
public class Student
  public String getName() { ... }
  public char getSection() { ... }
  public int getGrade() { ... }
  public void setGrade(int grade) { ... }

public class Roster
  private Student[] studentArray;  //stores Student objects in first numStudents positions
  private int numStudents;  //number of students in studentArray

  public Roster() { ... }

  private void resizeIfFull() { ... }
Implement some or all of the following methods in Roster:
public void addStudent(Student student)
public int getGradeForStudentWithName(String name)  //assume no duplicate names.  return -1 if no such student
public String nameOfStudentWithHighestGrade()  //assume no duplicate names, and at least 1 student
public void increaseAllGradesBy(int bonus)  //up to a max grade of 100
public boolean hasStudentWithGrade(int grade)
public int countStudentsWithNamesOfLength(int length)
public double averageGradeForSection(char section)  //assume at least 1 student
public Roster makeRosterForStudentsInSection(char section)
public void moveLastStudentToFrontWithoutChangingOrder()  //e.g. ABCDE -> EABCD
public void removeStudentWithoutChangingOrder(String name)
public void reverseOrderOfRoster()