Practice Questions: Methods

Implement the toAsterisks method, which should return a string that's the same length as the given one, but consisting only of asterisks (*). public static String toAsterisks(String password)
Implement the reverse method, which should take in a string and return a string with those characters appearing in the reverse order.
Implement the isPalindrome method, which should take in a string and return true only if that string reads the same forward and backward. Try implementing this method without reversing the given string.
Implement the method change, which should take in a string of the form "first last" or "last, first", and return the same string in the opposite form. For example, change("Dave Feinberg") should return "Feinberg, Dave", and change("Feinberg, Dave") should return "Dave Feinberg".
Implement the method makeUppercase, which should take in an array of characters and modify the contents of that array so that each lower case letter is replaced with the equivalent upper case letter.
Implement the method findLetterFrequencies below, which takes in a string s consisting only of upper case letters, and returns an array of integers, whose first value corresponds to the number of A's in s, whose second value corresponds to the number of B's in s, and so on.

public static int[] findLetterFrequencies(String s)

Write a method isPrime that takes in an integer and returns true if that number is prime (only divisible by itself and 1).
Write a method buildArray that takes in two integers--count and value, and returns an array with count copies of value. For example, buildArray(5, 3) would return the array {3, 3, 3, 3, 3}.
Write a method called printRectangle, which takes in 2 parameters--the number of rows and the number of columns--and prints a rectangle of asterisks (*) with those dimensions. For example, printRectangle(3, 5) should print:

Write a method called printTriangle, which takes in a number and prints a triangle of asterisks (*) with that many rows. For example, printTriangle(4) should print: