15-110 Spring 2011
Honors/Bonus Notes: Arithmetic as Logic
Note: this topic is offered as a bonus topic for 15-110 and not an Honors topic. As noted in hw1: "This bonus activity
serves two purposes: (1) to expose you to interesting,
somewhat more challenging concepts that extend the topics covered in
this assignment; and (2) to give you a sense of what the Honors mini
will be
like (as it will follow this same basic format, with about the same
rigor). Total time invested in this
activity should be around 1.5 to 2 hours (which is about half the
expected time for future Honors assignments), and you must complete the
entire activity to receive credit."- Topics
- Part 1: Automating Logic with Circuits
- xLogicCircuits (run online here or download the jar file to run offline here). You cannot save files when running online.
- Association between boolean logic expressions, truth tables, and circuits
- Disjunctive Normal Form (DNF)
- Expressing any boolean logic expression using just and/or/not (with DNF)
- Define "row selectors" where expression is true (1). These are really conjuncts of variables and their negations.
- "or" together the "row selectors". This is really a disjunct of those conjuncts.
- Key:
for any boolean logic expression, you can build a physical
circuit that computes that expression using just and/or/not gates.
- Corollary: Because of this, any
programming language just needs to provide and/or/not operators to be
able to define any logical function in that language. So that's why they do that!
- DeMorgan's Law (both versions)
- A and B == not ((not A) or (not B))
- A or B == not ((not A) and (not B))
- Using DeMorgan's Law to convert an and/or/not expression into either an or/not or an and/not expressions
- The Nor and Nand logical operators
- Expressing or/not expressions as just nor (or just nand) expressions
- Key: for any boolean logic expression, you can build a physical
circuit that computes that expression using just nor (or nand) gates. Amazing!
- not A == A nor A
- A or B == not (not (A or B)) == not (A nor B) == (A nor B) nor (A nor B) (tada!)
- Part 2: Arithmetic as Logic (which then can be automated using circuits)
- 1-Bit Addition
- Input: two one-bit binary values, A and B.
- Output: one two-bit binary value, C (with bits C1 and C2), where C = A + B.
- Key: We convert arithmetic to logic by viewing each bit C1 and C2 as its own function. Wow!
- C1 = A and B
- C2 = A xor B
- Half Adder
- The circuit we just defined is called a "half adder"
- Full Adder
- Input: three one-bit binary values, A and B and C
- Output: one two-bit binary value D (with bits D1 and D2), where D = A + B + C
- Can be constructed using two half-adders and one or gate.
- Key: a full adder models the process of adding one column in the standard addition algorithm
- The 3 inputs are the 2 corresponding digits from the numbers being added plus the carry digit from the preceding column.
- The 2 outputs are the solution digit for this column (D2) and the carry digit for the next column (D1).
- K-Bit Adder
- Daisy-Chaining: Connecting the carry output from each full adder to the next full adder's input.
- xLogicCircuits contains a sample 4-bit adder, but we could trivially extend this to a 32-bit adder or larger.
- Conclusion: we have reduced 32-bit addition to logic which we then can automate as physical circuits. Wahoo!
- The next steps (if we had time, which we did not, and which we did not cover, and which are you not responsible for):
- memory (how do we store and retrieve data?),
- machine architecture (how do we make a general-purpose computer)
- machine language (how do we program that general-purpose computer)
- compilers (how do we program that general-purpose computer in a more human-understandable way?)
- virtual machines and interpreters (how do we program in a very-high-level and platform-independent way?)
- Which leads us to... Python (and Javascript and Java and Ruby and Groovy and...)
- So
there are one or two missing pieces in understanding how your Python
programs are automated by some electricity and a bucket of sand (ok, a
silicon wafer), but at least we covered how to use those things to add
two numbers!