15-110 Spring 2011
Honors/Bonus Notes: Countability / The Halting Problem
Note: this topic is offered as a bonus topic for 15-110 and not an Honors topic. As noted in hw1: "This bonus activity
serves two purposes: (1) to expose you to interesting,
somewhat more challenging concepts that extend the topics covered in
this assignment; and (2) to give you a sense of what the Honors mini
will be
like (as it will follow this same basic format, with about the same
rigor). Total time invested in this
activity should be around 1.5 to 2 hours (which is about half the
expected time for future Honors assignments), and you must complete the
entire activity to receive credit."- Topics
- Part 1: Countability and Diagonalization Proofs
- A set S is "countable" if there exists a bijection between the set's elements and the positive integers. We write |S| = |Z+|. However, since |Z| = |Z+|, we can just write |S| = |Z|.
- We found that |Z| = |Evens| = |Primes| = |Powers of 10| = |Powers of 1010000|.
- We then went the other way, trying to find a set larger than |Z| (that is, an uncountable set), but we found...
- |Z| = |Q (the rationals)| = |Z2 (pairs of integers)| = |Z10000|
- Since |Powers of 1010000| = |Z10000|, it sure seems like this is nonsense, and all infinite sets are |Z|. But...
- We then proved |R (reals)| > |Z|
- Diagonalize:
- If we can count every real # from 0 to 1, then we can list them in a specific order (that's what counting means, after all)
- We
can use this list to construct a new real # between 0 and 1. How?
To find the kth digit of our new number, we'll ask for the kth
real number, and then find that numbers kth digit, and then change it.
- In this way, we constuct a new real number that cannot possibly be in the table.
- But
our new number is a real number between 0 and 1. So the table is
incomplete. So the reals are not countable. So |R| >
|Z|. So there is more than one infinity. Wow!!!
- We then defined 2S = PS(S) = The Power Set of S = The set of all subsets of S
- So, for example, PS(Z) = { all subsets of Z } = { {evens}, {primes}, {powersOf10}, {perfectNumbers}, ... }
- We then proved |2S| > |S| for any countable set S
- Diagonalize:
- List
the counted subsets down the left-hand side of a table, and the
positive integers along the top; for each entry in the table, label it
1 if that integer is in that subset, or 0 otherwise.
- Construct a new subset by flipping the values on the diagonal.
- This is clearly a subset of the integers, yet it cannot be in the table, and so |2S| > |S|.
- Part 2: The Halting Problem
- Defined
the Halting Problem: given a program P and an input N, can we
decide if P will ever halt on input N (that is, without actually
running P on N and waiting to see if it ever halts, since then we could
say yes if it halted, but we could never say no, since it could eventually halt...)
- We argued that
there are countably many Python programs (well, we really restricted
ourselves to Python functions of one variable, though the results
generalize to arbitrary programs in arbitrary languages)
- Thus, there exists an invertible function mapping Python programs (functions of one variable) to the positive integers.
- Time to diagonalize...
- First,
we assume that the Halting Problem has been solved, so that there
exists a Python function halts(P,N), which returns True if program P
halts on input N and False otherwise (if P hangs on input N).
- The
rows of our table are the Python programs (functions of one variable).
The columns are the positive integers that can be input to those
- We will then call halts(P,N) for every program P and
every input N to fill out our table (we placed 1's where P halts on N
and 0's where it hangs).
- Now, we diagonalize, constructing a
Python function in one variable that for each input K, does the
opposite of halts(K,K). Actually, it's easy enough to write this
function in Python:
def haltsParadox(N):
if (halts(N,N)):
while (True): pass # hang
return # halt - The
function above is a Python function in one variable, so it must be in
our table. Say it's function #K. What happens when we call
haltsParadox(K)? If halts(K,K) is True, meaning it will halt,
then it hangs, and vice versa! This is impossible!
- So haltsParadox() cannot exist!
- But it's perfectly valid Python so therefore halts() cannot exist!
- And that's our proof: you cannot solve the halting problem. QED.
- We discussed (without mentioning Rice's Theorem by name) that this means you cannot prove that an arbitrary
program is bug-free (though we discussed that you certainly can prove
some programs to be bug-free), and discussed the broad implications of
this fact.