15-110 Spring
2011 Homework 3-Bonus
Due Monday, 7-Feb, at 11:59pm (no late submissions for bonus hw)
Note: This deadline is only for hw3-bonus. Hw3 is still due on Sunday, 6-Feb, at 6pm.
Same basic directions as hw3,
so read those carefully
(replacing "hw3" with "hw3-bonus", where appropriate, of course).
Additional notes:
- Submit your files in hw3-bonus.zip.
- Bonus/Optional:
Week #3 Bonus/Honors Topic [5 pts]
This bonus activity serves two purposes: (1) to
expose you to interesting, somewhat more challenging concepts that
extend the topics covered in this assignment; and (2) to give you a
sense of what the Honors mini will be like (as it will follow this same
basic format, with about the same rigor). Total time invested
in this activity should be around 1.5 to 2 hours (which is about half
the expected time for future Honors assignments), and you must complete
the entire activity to receive credit.
- Bonus Lecture
A lecture covering this week's bonus topics will be presented on
Tuesday 1-Feb at 4:30pm in DH 1212, and should last about 45
minutes (again, about half the expected time for future Honors
lectures). Attendance is encouraged but not required (and
may be limited, so we will have a sign-up sheet for those interested).
A video of the lecture will be made available
online or perhaps via DVD's to loan). If you do not attend
lecture, then watch this video (in its entirety and with the same
focused attention that you would have in the classroom). Note that there are no online lecture notes for this week.
- Bonus Assignment
Note #1:
Place your answers in the files hw3-bonus.py and hw3-bonus.doc
(or whatever other legal extension you wish to use), and add those
files to your hw3-bonus folder before zipping it up and submitting
hw3-bonus.zip. If you do not know how to do this, ask your
CA for help. You can start from the code we wrote in lecture.
- Change selection sort to select largest elements...
wrote selection sort so it repeatedly finds the smallest remaining
element and swaps it towards the front. This is not how the
visualization for selection sort works in xSortLab. There, it
finds the largest remaining element and swaps it towards the back.
Change selection sort to work in that way.
- Make merge sort work for arbitrary-length lists
way we wrote merge sort, it only works for lists with a length of a
power of 2. This restriction is easily lifted, so be sure that the
merge sort that you submit works for lists of any size.
- Graph selection sort and merge sort
two plots, one for selection sort, one for merge sort. Place the
# of elements in the list (N) on the x-axis, and the run time in
seconds on the y-axis (so you will have to use our timing code
repeatedly for each sort). Are the curves linear? Parabolic
(quadratic)? Something else? Explain. [ Note: you can
paste an image of your plots into your Word document (and if you
really, truly cannot do that, then place the images in your hw3-bonus
directory and refer to them in your write-up; just please keep the
images smallish, say, <50k each. ]
- Variance in run times
a fixed size N, every time you run selection sort (or merge sort) you
tend to get similar-yet-different times. Explain the variation.
- Radix Sort
Read about radix sort, then answer these questions:
- Explain how radix sort would sort this list if the radix is 10:
[75, 52, 35, 15, 22, 45, 81, 43, 41, 85, 42 ]
Include the partially-sorted list halfway through the sort (after the first digit is sorted).
- The
radix sort article includes code in Python. Copy that code into
your hw3-bonus.py file and time the algorithm on various sized lists.
Then: which is faster, radix sort or selection sort?
radix sort or merge sort?
- Merge sort is a comparison-based sort, but radix sort is not. Briefly explain.