Computer Science 15-110, Spring 2011
Class Notes: Two-Dimensional Lists
- Creating
2d Lists
- Getting
2d List Dimensions
- Nested
over 2d Lists
- Printing 2d Lists
- Creating
2d Lists
- Static Allocation
create a 2d list with fixed values (static allocation)
= [ [ 2, 3, 4 ] , [ 5, 6, 7 ] ]
- Dynamic (Variable-Length) Allocation
- Wrong:
Cannot use * (Shallow Copy)
Try, and FAIL, to create a variable-sized 2d list
rows = 3
cols = 2
a = [ [0]
* cols ] * rows # Error:
creates shallow copy
print "This SEEMS ok. At first:"
print " a =", a
a[0][0] = 42
print "But see what happens after a[0]=42"
print " a =", a
- Right:
Append Each Row
Create a variable-sized 2d list
rows = 3
cols = 2
for row in
range(rows): a += [[0]*cols]
print "This IS ok. At first:"
print " a =", a
a[0][0] = 42
print "And now see what happens after a[0]=42"
print " a =", a
- Even
Better: make2dList()
make2dList(rows, cols):
for row in range(rows): a += [[0]*cols]
return a
rows = 3
cols = 2
a = make2dList(rows, cols)
print "This IS ok. At first:"
print " a =", a
a[0][0] = 42
print "And now see what happens after a[0][0]=42"
print " a =", a
- Getting
2d List Dimensions
# Create an "arbitrary" 2d List
a = [ [ 2, 3, 5] , [ 1, 4, 7 ] ]
print "a = ", a
# Now find its
rows = len(a)
= len(a[0])
print "rows =", rows
print "cols =", cols
- Nested Looping
over 2d Lists
# Create an "arbitrary" 2d List
a = [ [ 2, 3, 5] , [ 1, 4, 7 ] ]
print "Before: a =", a
# Now find its
rows = len(a)
cols = len(a[0])
# And now loop over
every element
# Here, we'll add one
to each element,
# just to make a
change we can easily see
for row in
for col in
This code will be run rows*cols times, once for each
# element in
the 2d list
a[row][col] += 1
# Finally, print the
print "After: a =", a
- Printing
2d Lists
# Helper function for print2dList.
# This finds the maximum length of the strings
# in each column of a 2d list
def getFieldWidths(a):
rows = len(a)
cols = len(a[0])
fieldWidths = [0] * cols
for row in range(rows):
for col in range(cols):
field = str(a[row][col])
fieldWidths[col] = max(fieldWidths[col], len(field))
return fieldWidths
# Because Python prints 2d lists on one row,
# we might want to write our own function
# that prints 2d lists a bit nicer.
def print2dList(a):
if (a == []):
# So we don't crash accessing a[0]
print []
rows = len(a)
cols = len(a[0])
fieldWidths = getFieldWidths(a)
for row in range(rows):
if (row == 0):
line = "[ ["
line = " ["
for col in range(cols):
if (col > 0): line += ", "
field = str(a[row][col])
for space in range(fieldWidths[col] - len(field)):
line += " "
line += field
line += "]"
if (row == (rows-1)): line += " ]"
print line
# Let's give the new function a try!
a = [ [ 1, 2, 3.4 ] , [ "wahoo", 55, 6 ] ]
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