Computer Science 15-112, Spring 2012
Class Notes: Writing Functions Practice (Problem-Solving)
- eggCartons
- militaryTimeToStandardTime
Writing Functions Practice (Problem-Solving)
- eggCartons
# eggCartons
# Write a program that reads in a non-negative number of eggs,
# and prints the number of egg cartons required to hold that many eggs
# (given that each egg carton holds one dozen eggs, and you cannot buy
# fractional egg cartons). Be sure your program works for multiples of 12,
# including 0.
def eggCartons(eggs):
# You write this!
def testEggCartons():
print "Testing eggCartons()...",
assert(eggCartons(0) == 0)
assert(eggCartons(1) == 1)
assert(eggCartons(12) == 1)
assert(eggCartons(13) == 2)
assert(eggCartons(24) == 2)
assert(eggCartons(25) == 3)
print "Passed all tests!"
def runEggCartons():
eggs = int(raw_input("Enter number of eggs:"))
cartons = eggCartons(eggs)
print eggs, "eggs require", cartons, "egg cartons"
testEggCartons() # run the robotic test function
runEggCartons() # let the user use the function
Sample Solution:
# Sample Solution is in white text (select to view)
def eggCartons(eggs):
return (eggs + 11) / 12
- militaryTimeToStandardTime
# militaryTimeToStandardTime
# Write a program that reads in an integer between 0 and 23,
# representing the hour in military time, and prints the same
# hour in standard time. For example, 17 is 5 o'clock.
def militaryTimeToStandardTime(militaryTime):
# You write this!
def testMilitaryTimeToStandardTime():
print "Testing militaryTimeToStandardTime()...",
assert(militaryTimeToStandardTime(0) == 12)
assert(militaryTimeToStandardTime(1) == 1)
assert(militaryTimeToStandardTime(11) == 11)
assert(militaryTimeToStandardTime(12) == 12)
assert(militaryTimeToStandardTime(13) == 1)
assert(militaryTimeToStandardTime(23) == 11)
print "Passed all tests!"
def runMilitaryTimeToStandardTime():
militaryTime = int(raw_input("Enter the military time (0-23):"))
standardTime = militaryTimeToStandardTime(militaryTime)
print "Military time:", militaryTime
print "Standard time:", standardTime
testMilitaryTimeToStandardTime() # run the robotic test function
runMilitaryTimeToStandardTime() # let the user use the function
Sample Solution:
# Sample Solution is in white text (select to view)
def militaryTimeToStandardTime(militaryTime):
return 1 + (militaryTime-1) % 12
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