- Import File (stepAnimation.py)
To run these examples, download
stepAnimation.py and save it
in the same folder where you are editing and running your
- Static (not changing) Square Animation
import stepAnimation
def staticSquareAnimation(canvas, width, height, step):
left = 0
canvas.create_rectangle(left, 0, left+20, 20, fill="blue")
- Sweeping Square Animation
import stepAnimation
def sweepingSquareAnimation(canvas, width, height, step):
left = step
canvas.create_rectangle(left, 0, left+20, 20, fill="blue")
again, with custom window size
stepAnimation.run(sweepingSquareAnimation, width=400, height=100)
again, with custom initial speed (timerDelay is in milliseconds)
stepAnimation.run(sweepingSquareAnimation, timerDelay=1)
- Wraparound Square Animation
import stepAnimation
def wraparoundSquareAnimation(canvas, width, height, step):
left = step % width
canvas.create_rectangle(left, 0, left+20, 20, fill="blue")
stepAnimation.run(wraparoundSquareAnimation, width=200, timerDelay=1)
- Faster Wraparound Square Animation
import stepAnimation
def fasterWraparoundSquareAnimation(canvas, width, height, step):
left = 5*step % width
canvas.create_rectangle(left, 0, left+20, 20, fill="blue")
stepAnimation.run(fasterWraparoundSquareAnimation, width=200, timerDelay=1)
- Horizontal Bouncing Square Animation
import stepAnimation
def bouncingSquareAnimation(canvas, width, height, step):
halfPeriod = 50 # steps until we reach the right side
step = step % (2*halfPeriod)
if (step < halfPeriod):
m = width/halfPeriod
left = m*step
m = -width/halfPeriod
left = m*(step-halfPeriod)+width
canvas.create_rectangle(left, 0, left+20, 20, fill="blue")
stepAnimation.run(bouncingSquareAnimation, width=400, height=100, timerDelay=8)
again with some interesting alternative ways of computing
the zig-zag pattern:
import stepAnimation
import math
def bouncingSquareAnimation0(canvas, width, height, step):
halfPeriod = 50 # steps until we reach the right side
step = step % (2*halfPeriod)
if (step < halfPeriod):
m = width/halfPeriod
left = m*step
m = -width/halfPeriod
left = m*(step-halfPeriod)+width
canvas.create_rectangle(left, 0, left+20, 20, fill="blue")
def bouncingSquareAnimation1(canvas, width, height, step):
# This variation uses abs() to create a sawtooth or zig-zag pattern.
halfPeriod = 50
step = step % (2*halfPeriod)
left = width * (1 - float(abs(step - halfPeriod))/halfPeriod)
canvas.create_rectangle(left, 0, left+20, 20, fill="blue")
def bouncingSquareAnimation2(canvas, width, height, step):
# Thanks to Sunny G for this clever idea!
# acos(cos(x)) zig-zags with the base period of 0 <= x <= 2*pi,
# and with 0 <= y <= pi, so we just adjust these scales as needed.
halfPeriod = 50
left = math.acos(math.cos(step*math.pi/halfPeriod))*width/math.pi
canvas.create_rectangle(left, 0, left+20, 20, fill="blue")
def bouncingSquareAnimations(canvas, width, height, step):
# All at once!
halfPeriod = 50 # steps until we reach the right side
step = step % (2*halfPeriod)
if (step < halfPeriod):
m = width/halfPeriod
left = m*step
m = -width/halfPeriod
left = m*(step-halfPeriod)+width
canvas.create_rectangle(left, 10, left+20, 30, fill="red")
left = width * (1 - float(abs(step - halfPeriod))/halfPeriod)
canvas.create_rectangle(left, 40, left+20, 60, fill="blue")
# Note that this version still works without mod'ing the step above!
left = math.acos(math.cos(step*math.pi/halfPeriod))*width/math.pi
canvas.create_rectangle(left, 70, left+20, 90, fill="green")
stepAnimation.run(bouncingSquareAnimations, width=400, height=100, timerDelay=8)
- 2d Bouncing Circle Animation
import stepAnimation
def bouncingCircleAnimation(canvas, width, height, step):
# First do the horizontal direction
halfPeriod = 50 # steps until we reach the right side
step = step % (2*halfPeriod)
if (step < halfPeriod):
m = width/halfPeriod
left = m*step
m = -width/halfPeriod
left = m*(step-halfPeriod)+width
# Now by analogy do the vertical direction
halfPeriod = 10 # steps until we reach the bottom side
step = step % (2*halfPeriod)
if (step < halfPeriod):
m = height/halfPeriod
top = m*step
m = -height/halfPeriod
top = m*(step-halfPeriod)+height
canvas.create_oval(left, top, left+20, top+20, fill="blue")
stepAnimation.run(bouncingCircleAnimation, width=400, height=100, timerDelay=8)
or, if you prefer:
import stepAnimation
import math
def bouncingCircleAnimation(canvas, width, height, step):
left = math.acos(math.cos(step*math.pi/50))*width/math.pi
top = math.acos(math.cos(step*math.pi/10))*height/math.pi
canvas.create_oval(left, top, left+20, top+20, fill="blue")
stepAnimation.run(bouncingCircleAnimation, width=400, height=100, timerDelay=8)
- Changing Other Properties
import stepAnimation
from Tkinter import *
def rgbString(red, green, blue):
return "#%02x%02x%02x" % (red, green, blue)
def changingPropertiesAnimation(canvas, width, height, step):
# change the fill color
fillColor = rgbString(0, step%256, 0)
(cx, cy) = (width/4, height/2)
r = min(width,height)/3
canvas.create_oval(cx-r, cy-r, cx+r, cy+r, fill=fillColor)
# change the text and anchor
(cx, cy) = (width/2, height/2)
canvas.create_oval(cx-5, cy-5, cx+5, cy+5, fill="green",width=0)
option = ((step/50) % 4)
if (option == 0): (text,anchor) = ("NE anchor", NE)
elif (option == 1): (text,anchor) = ("CENTER anchor", CENTER)
elif (option == 2): (text,anchor) = ("SW anchor", SW)
else: (text,anchor) = ("E anchor", E)
canvas.create_text(cx, cy, text=text, anchor=anchor)
# change the outline width
(cx, cy) = (width*3/4, height/2)
outlineWidth = 1+((step/20)%10)
canvas.create_oval(cx-r, cy-r, cx+r, cy+r,
fill="cyan", width=outlineWidth)
# change the line endpoint
x = step%width
canvas.create_line(0, 0, x, height, fill="gray", width=3)
stepAnimation.run(changingPropertiesAnimation, width=400, height=100, timerDelay=16)
- Extra Keyword Parameters
import stepAnimation
from Tkinter import *
# This function takes two extra parameters: text and color
def kwArgsDemoAnimation(canvas, width, height, step, text, color):
left = step % width
top = 20
font = "Arial " + str(step%100) + " bold"
canvas.create_text(left, 20, text=text, font=font, fill=color, anchor=NW)
# And this is how you call it with values for those parameters:
stepAnimation.run(kwArgsDemoAnimation, width=400, height=90, timerDelay=10,
text="Fantastic!", color="brown")