For our purposes, a "board" is a
2-dimensional list of color names (strings like "red"). Our goal
here is to allocate the board in the init function (initFn), and then to draw
the board in our draw functions (which will be called by our drawFn).
To help us
test our code, we will add a few lines in the init function (initFn) to pre-load
a few cells in the board with some colors. This code will be
removed after this step. In particular, we will paint the
top-left cell red, the top-right cell white, the bottom-left cell
green, and bottom-right cell gray.
Here is how our code should paint the board at this point:
Writing the playTetris() function:
We'll have the playTetris() function take no parameters. First, it
will set the rows and columns ("cols") to 15 and 10, respectively,
and use these values to determine the window size so the board just
fits with the appropriate margins. Once the window
size is computed, playTetris() will call providing
the appropriate window size, with the rows and cols as extra parameters.
In this way, data.rows and data.cols will be pre-set, so our initFn will
not have to set them.
Writing the init function (initFn):
With that, there are several tasks we need to do in the init
First, we need to
allocate our board as a 2-dimensional list of names of colors, and fill
it with our emptyColor ("blue"), as all cells are empty to start the
game. We also need to store this board, and the emptyColor, in the
data object (data.board, data.emptyColor).
Finally, we add the temporary code to pre-load the 4 corner cells
with colors for testing purposes:
# pre-load a few cells with known colors
for testing purposes
data.board[0][0] = "red" # top-left is red
data.board[0][data.cols-1] = "white" # top-right is white
data.board[data.rows-1][0] = "green" # bottom-left is green
data.board[data.rows-1][data.cols-1] = "gray" # bottom-right is gray
Writing the draw functions:
Our main draw function, drawGame, will be called by our top-level drawFn. It
will draw the background of the entire game (orange in the picture
above), then it will use top-down design and call a new function,
drawBoard, to draw the board.
draw the board in the drawBoard function, we simply iterate over every
cell (with two variables running over every row and column), and
repeatedely call the drawCell function, which takes 4 parameters: the
canvas, the row of the cell, the col of the cell, and the color of the
cell (which for now is just the value in board[row][col]).
the drawCell function must draw the given cell using the color stored
in the board list corresponding to that cell (that is,
in board[row][col]). To draw a cell a given color, we will
create two rectangles: an outer rectangle in the grid color
(black) followed by an inner rectangle in the cell's color (other
reasonable approaches exist, but we'll go with this one).
Code at this point:
In future steps, we will not provide sample solutions. But to be sure
we are all on the same page, here is a sample solution to this step:
David Kosbie |