check3.txt Edit this file and then submit it to autolab. Be sure to watch the videos very carefully, and not just skip ahead to the parts required to answer these questions! Be *very brief* in your answers! Seriously. Brief. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Your full name and andrew id: 2. The full names and andrew id's of your groupmates. Note that if you worked solo on this, then copy-paste the timestamp line from the email from the course instructor permitting you to do so. 3. Dates/times that you watched the videos listed in check3.html (fill this out as you go): 4. Total time this check required (fill this out when you are done): 5. Strings questions (from the various String videos): 5.1. Why is len('a\nb') equal to 3 and not 4? 5.2. List a character that is easier to include in a string delimited by double-quotes rather than single-quotes. 5.3. List each escape sequence mentioned in the video (like \n) and what they mean. 5.4. What is type(string.digits)? Why? 5.5. For any string s where len(s)>1, is it definitely true that ((s[1:] in s) == True)? 5.6. What is the empty string? What is its type? What is its length? 5.7. What is "abcde"[-1]? 5.8. What is 'abcde'[-1][-1]? Briefly explain why that works, but 'abcde'[1][1] crashes. 5.9. Briefly, why did we write the function reverseString in the video, rather than just using s[::-1] in our code? 5.10. Briefly, what is the difference between split and splitlines? 5.11. Please be sure to carefully watch the videos and take time to discuss and reflect on their content, and not just hurry through and answer all these questions. The point of this check is not for you to answer the questions, but for you to learn the material. So please take the time to learn the material well. Ok? 5.12. Of the first 4 ways we solve isPalindrome, which way do you think is the worst, and why so? 5.12. What does it mean that Strings are immutable? 5.13. What is the difference between a string method and a string function? 5.14. What is the difference between chr and ord? 5.15. What is the difference between lower and islower? 5.16. How do you left-align text using the string formatting operator? 5.17. Why does the Basic File IO example crash if you run it in the browser? That's it! Carpe diem!