CMU 15-112 Fall 2017: Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science
Lab 6 (Due Thursday 23-Feb, at 10pm, no extensions or grace days)

This lab has 2 required forms -- one to make groups and one to peer-review each others' groupwork (in terms of being great groupmates, not in terms of getting right answers).

    Write Tetris according to the design given in this step-by-step tutorial using our event-based animation framework (starting with

    You may not use a different design, even if you think there's a better way to do it (there probably is, but you still have to do it this way). This may seem limiting, but sometimes you are given specs at Polya Step 1 (just indicating the problem to solve), and other times at Polya Step 2 (also indicating the algorithms to use). This is one of those second kind of specs. Your task is to do Polya Step 3, and write the corresponding code, and then using this week's event animation framework.

    Have fun!!!