CMU 15-110: Principles of Computing

  1. Creating Sets
  2. Properties of Sets
    1. Sets are Unordered
    2. Elements are Unique
    3. Elements Must Be Immutable
    4. Sets are Very Efficient
  3. Set Operations
  4. Example: Contains Duplicates
  5. Example: Comparing Two Large Lists

  1. Creating Sets
    • Create an empty set
      s = set() print(s) # prints set()

    • Create a set from a list
      # Right way: L = ['cat', 'cow', 'dog'] s = set(L) print(s) # prints {'cow', 'dog', 'cat'} # Wrong way: L = ['cat', 'cow', 'dog'] s = set() s.add(L) # This crashes: TypeError: unhashable type: 'list'

    • Create a set from a string
      print('wrong:', set('abc')) # {'c', 'a', 'b'} print('right:', { 'abc' }) # {'abc'} print('right:', set(['abc'])) # {'abc'}

  2. Properties of Sets
    1. Sets are Unordered
      s = set([2, 4, 8]) print(s) # prints {8, 2, 4} in standard Python (though not in brython) for value in s: # prints 8, 2, 4 print(value)

    2. Elements are Unique
      s = set([2,2,2]) print(s) # prints {2} print(len(s)) # prints 1

    3. Elements Must Be Immutable
      s = set() s.add(12345) # fine, since numbers are immutable s.add('wow') # fine, since strings are immutable s.add([1,2]) # fails: unhashable type: 'list' (since lists are mutable)

    4. Sets are Very Efficient
      • For a list L of size n, (value in L) is O(n).
      • For a set S of size n, (value in S) is O(1). Wow.

  3. Set Operations

    1. Operations on a set

      Operation Result
      len(s) the number of elements in s
      x in s True if x is in s, and False otherwise
      x not in s opposite of in: True if x is not in s, and False otherwise
      s.add(x) add element x to set s, where x is immutable
      s.discard(x) removes x from set s if present (no error if not present)
      for value in s: loop over each value in set s

    2. Operations on two sets

      Operation Equivalent Result
      s.issubset(t) s <= t test whether every element in s is in t
      s.issuperset(t) s >= t test whether every element in t is in s
      s.union(t) s | t new set with elements from both s and t
      s.intersection(t) s & t new set with elements common to s and t
      s.difference(t) s - t new set with elements in s but not in t

  4. Example: Contains Duplicates
    def containsDuplicates(L): return (len(L) > len(set(L))) print(containsDuplicates([2,3,5,7])) print(containsDuplicates([2,3,5,2]))

  5. Example: Comparing Two Large Lists
    # This is a perfect case for using set differences (s - t) # We start with two large lists: list1 = ['Lemon', 'Mauve', 'Lilac', 'Taupe', 'Slate', 'Pear', 'Copper', 'Amaranth', 'Lavender', 'Amethyst', 'Champagne', 'Harlequin', 'Periwinkle', 'Teal', 'Carmine', 'Red', 'Baby', 'Magenta', 'White', 'Silver', 'Byzantium', 'Brown', 'Cerulean', 'Blush', 'Ruby', 'Raspberry', 'Gold', 'Tan', 'Cyan', 'Scarlet', 'Desert', 'Viridian', 'Jungle', 'Spring', 'Orchid', 'Beige', 'Emerald', 'Prussian', 'Olive', 'Chartreuse', 'Indigo', 'Pink', 'Salmon', 'Puce', 'Blue', 'Electric', 'Persian', 'Violet', 'Bronze', 'Ivory', 'Cobalt', 'Navy', 'Maroon', 'Azure', 'Turquoise', 'Jade', 'Orange-red', 'Spring', 'Coral', 'Plum', 'Green', 'Aquamarine', 'Peach', 'Apricot', 'Blue-violet', 'Black', 'Ocher', 'Coffee', 'Sangria', 'Magenta', 'Crimson', 'Cerise', 'Sapphire', 'Purple', 'Orange', 'Amber', 'Gray', 'Erin', 'Chocolate', 'Red-violet', 'Rose', 'Lime', 'Yellow'] list2 = ['Coffee', 'Navy', 'Lilac', 'Mauve', 'Plum', 'Ocher', 'Bronze', 'Baby', 'Slate', 'Pink', 'Copper', 'Silver', 'Olive', 'White', 'Sapphire', 'Spring', 'Jungle', 'Apricot', 'Raspberry', 'Lime', 'Magenta', 'Periwinkle', 'Maroon', 'Carmine', 'Gold', 'Pear', 'Cyan', 'Red', 'Amethyst', 'Turquoise', 'Harlequin', 'Chartreuse', 'Emerald', 'Blue', 'Blue-green', 'Chocolate', 'Crimson', 'Indigo', 'Orchid', 'Ivory', 'Azure', 'Blue-violet', 'Burgundy', 'Violet', 'Salmon', 'Spring', 'Lavender', 'Tan', 'Taupe', 'Erin', 'Beige', 'Cobalt', 'Red-violet', 'Rose', 'Amber', 'Amaranth', 'Teal', 'Yellow', 'Purple', 'Byzantium', 'Blush', 'Desert', 'Lemon', 'Electric', 'Sangria', 'Prussian', 'Aquamarine', 'Orange-red', 'Cerulean', 'Brown', 'Puce', 'Coral', 'Gray', 'Viridian', 'Jade', 'Scarlet', 'Champagne', 'Peach', 'Green', 'Magenta', 'Orange', 'Black'] # And we ask: which colors are only in one of the two lists? colors1 = set(list1) colors2 = set(list2) print('Colors in list1 but not in list2:', colors1 - colors2) print('Colors in list2 but not in list1:', colors2 - colors1)