CMU 15-112: Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science
Extra Practice for Week 7 (Due never)

  1. Do page 3 (including Vehicle and Car) from f18 quiz9, but skip the part about sets (do not write the __hash__ method).

  2. # This is from this f19's recitation. # Write the classes required to pass these tests: def testCakeClasses(): cake = Cake("Vanilla") print(str(cake)) # "Vanilla Cake" # you can add unlimited toppings to cakes for i in range(3): cake.addTopping("Almonds") print(cake.toppings) # ["Almonds", "Almonds", "Almonds"] appleFruitCake = FruitCake("Apple") print(isinstance(appleFruitCake, Cake)) # True appleFruitCake.addTopping("Peanut Butter") appleFruitCake.addTopping("Ranch") # yum print(appleFruitCake.toppings) # ["Peanut Butter", "Ranch"] # You can only add 2 toppings to a fruitcake appleFruitCake.addTopping("Tomatoes") print(appleFruitCake.toppings) # ["Peanut Butter", "Ranch"] print(str(appleFruitCake)) # "no one likes Apple fruitcakes" blackForestCake = YummyCake("Chocolate", "Vanilla") # cakes aren't yummy without frosting! print(isinstance(blackForestCake, Cake)) # True print(isinstance(blackForestCake, FruitCake)) # False print(str(blackForestCake)) # "Chocolate YummyCake with Vanilla frosting" # you can add unlimited toppings to yummy cakes for i in range(69): blackForestCake.addTopping("Cherry") print(blackForestCake.toppings) # ["Cherry"]*69 print(blackForestCake == YummyCake("Chocolate", "Vanilla")) # True print(blackForestCake == YummyCake("Vanilla", "Chocolate")) # False print(blackForestCake == appleFruitCake) # False print(blackForestCake == "sign up for hack112!!") # False # YummyCake class keeps track of what cakes combos have been made carrotCake = YummyCake("Carrot", "Cream Cheese") print(YummyCake.hasUsedFlavorCombo("Carrot", "Cream Cheese")) # True print(YummyCake.hasUsedFlavorCombo("Carrot", "Vanilla")) # False superCarrotCake = YummyCake("Carrot", "Cream Cheese") superCarrotCake.addTopping("Sprinkles") # perfection testCakeClasses()