CMU 15-112: Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science
See the quiz10 frontmatter. 20 minutes total..
CT1 (15 points):
Indicate what this code prints.
def ct1(L, x): if L == [ ]: return L else: if L[0] > x: rest = ct1(L[1:], x+L[0]) return [L[0]] + rest else: return ct1(L[1:], x) print(ct1([2,3,4,5,6,1], 2))
CT2 (15 points):
Indicate what this code prints.
def ct2(n): if (n <= 0): return [ ] elif (n%10 >= 5): return [n] + ct2(n//2) else: return ct2(n-2) + [-n] print(ct2(15))
RC1 (15 points):
Find a value for s such that rc1(s) returns True.
def f(s): # This is a helper function for rc1 if (s == ''): return '' else: if (s[0].isdigit()): t = str(int(s[0]) - int(s[-1])) else: t = min(s[0], s[-1]) return t + f(s[1:-1]) def rc1(s): return f(s) == '3p1'
Free Response 1: getBottomUpColumn(M, col) [55] points]
Without using loops, write the recursive function getBottomUpColumn(M, col) that takes a rectangular 2d list M and a column index, and returns a 1d list containing the values in that column of M, from bottom to top. If there is no such column, return None. For example, given this 2d list:
M = [[ 1, 2, 3], [ 4, 5, 6] ]
- getBottomUpColumn(M, 0) returns [4, 1]
- getBottomUpColumn(M, 1) returns [5, 2]
- getBottomUpColumn(M, 2) returns [6, 3]
Also, getBottomUpColumn(M, 3) and getBottomUpColumn(M, -1) both return None.
You may not use loops, list comprehensions, strings, L.reverse(), or reversed(L)
Note that you may want to write getBottomUpColumn as a wrapper function for a recursive helper function (again, without using loops). Your choice.
def getBottomUpColumn(M, col): return 42 def testGetBottomUpColumn(): print('Testing getBottomUpColumn()...', end='') assert(getBottomUpColumn([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]], 0) == [4, 1]) assert(getBottomUpColumn([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]], 1) == [5, 2]) assert(getBottomUpColumn([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]], 2) == [6, 3]) assert(getBottomUpColumn([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]], 3) == None) assert(getBottomUpColumn([[1,2,3],[4,5,6]], -1) == None) print('Passed!') print('Note: We may grade your code with additional test cases') testGetBottomUpColumn()
BonusCT1 [+2 points]
This is an optional bonus problem. Indicate what this code prints.
def bonusCt1(n): def f(x): return x and 2*x-1+f(x-1) def g(x): return x and 1+g(x//2) while f(g(n)) != n: n = f(g(n)) return n print(bonusCt1(100))
BonusCT2 [+2 points]
This is an optional bonus problem. Indicate what this code prints.
def bonusCt2(n): def f(n): if (n < 3): return n else: return f(n-1) - f(n-2) + f(n-3)//2 return f(n) print([bonusCt2(n) for n in range(17,19)])