CMU 15-112: Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science
Quiz Frontmatter
Spring 2021

These details appear on every quiz this semester. Please read them ahead of time so that you do not have to read them while taking the quiz.

Quick Reminders:

During the quiz

  1. You may not ask questions during the quiz.
    • If you are unsure how to interpret a problem, take your best guess.
  2. You may not leave the quiz and return, and you may not interact with anyone else (remotely or in person) except for the TAs or faculty until the quiz is submitted. You should not be located close to anyone else who may be able to see your screen, or whose screen you may be able to see.
  3. During the non-FR section, you must not leave the full-screen google form until instructed. During the FR section, you must not leave VS Code until instructed. You may not view anything in VS Code except for the starter file for the quiz. If anything is visible except for the google form (and the starter file in VS Code when in the FR section) you may receive a deduction or a zero. Additionally, we will investigate whether this could be a matter of academic integrity.
  4. All of these must be visible to your phone's camera at all times:
    • All of your screen, and any other screens nearby
    • Most of your desk
    • Your mouse and keyboard
    • Note: You must not block your screen with your head while taking the quiz
    • You must not have any other computer monitors on, and no other phones/tablets/calculators/notes/people/other resources should be accessible.
  5. If you encounter any tech issues (i.e. your computer crashes, you receive a pop-up from a chat program you forgot to close, etc.) exit the breakout room immediately to speak with the TA or faculty member on duty. At their discretion, you may be allowed to continue the quiz.
  6. You will not be able to return to the non-FR questions once the FR section begins. You may not advance to the FR section until the TA explicitly instructs you to. Once the allotted time elapses, the TA will instruct everyone to stop. You must stop immediately, no matter what, or you will receive an immediate zero. If you ignore the TA's instructions to stop, you may also receive an academic integrity violation.

You must use your phone to join the proctored Zoom meeting. If you cannot join Zoom on your phone:

After the quiz

  1. Follow all proctor instructions on how to end the quiz.
  2. Once you submit your quiz, wait for the proctor before leaving the call. When the TA prompts you, show both sides of any and all scratch paper you started the quiz with.
  3. Wait until your proctor dismisses you, and then please exit Zoom. You are done! Rejoin the lecture Zoom session on your laptop.
  4. Of course, it is an academic integrity violation to discuss any part of this quiz with anyone else (regardless of how briefly or vaguely) before we have publicly released it. Also, sharing or posting the starter file, questions, or solutions with anyone else will result in immediate course failure for both the provider and the recipient.

For any tech fails (laptop or internet stops working, etc.):