CMU 15-112: Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science
Class Notes: Graphics in Tkinter

  1. Drawing Circular Patterns with Trigonometry
  2. Example: Clocks!

  • Drawing Circular Patterns with Trigonometry
    Trig 101

    from cmu_112_graphics import * import math def redrawAll(app, canvas): (cx, cy, r) = (app.width/2, app.height/2, min(app.width, app.height)/3) canvas.create_oval(cx-r, cy-r, cx+r, cy+r, fill='yellow', outline='black') r *= 0.85 # make smaller so time labels lie inside clock face for hour in range(12): hourAngle = math.pi/2 - (2*math.pi)*(hour/12) hourX = cx + r * math.cos(hourAngle) hourY = cy - r * math.sin(hourAngle) label = str(hour if (hour > 0) else 12) canvas.create_text(hourX, hourY, text=label, font='Arial 16 bold', fill='black') runApp(width=400, height=400)

  • Example: Clocks!
    from cmu_112_graphics import * import math def drawClock(canvas, x0, y0, x1, y1, hour, minute): # draw a clock in the area bounded by (x0,y0) in # the top-left and (x1,y1) in the bottom-right # with the given time # draw an outline rectangle canvas.create_rectangle(x0, y0, x1, y1, outline='black', width=1) # find relevant values for positioning clock width = (x1 - x0) height = (y1 - y0) r = min(width, height)/2 cx = (x0 + x1)/2 cy = (y0 + y1)/2 # draw the clock face canvas.create_oval(cx-r, cy-r, cx+r, cy+r, outline='black', width=2) # adjust the hour to take the minutes into account hour += minute/60.0 # find the hourAngle and draw the hour hand # but we must adjust because 0 is vertical and # it proceeds clockwise, not counter-clockwise! hourAngle = math.pi/2 - 2*math.pi*hour/12 hourRadius = r*1/2 hourX = cx + hourRadius * math.cos(hourAngle) hourY = cy - hourRadius * math.sin(hourAngle) canvas.create_line(cx, cy, hourX, hourY, fill='black', width=1) # repeat with the minuteAngle for the minuteHand minuteAngle = math.pi/2 - 2*math.pi*minute/60 minuteRadius = r*9/10 minuteX = cx + minuteRadius * math.cos(minuteAngle) minuteY = cy - minuteRadius * math.sin(minuteAngle) canvas.create_line(cx, cy, minuteX, minuteY, fill='black', width=1) def redrawAll(app, canvas): # Draw a large clock showing 2:30 drawClock(canvas, 25, 25, 175, 150, 2, 30) # And draw a smaller one below it showing 7:45 drawClock(canvas, 75, 160, 125, 200, 7, 45) # Now let's have some fun and draw a whole grid of clocks! width = 40 height = 40 margin = 5 hour = 0 for row in range(3): for col in range(4): left = 200 + col * width + margin top = 50 + row * height + margin right = left + width - margin bottom = top + height - margin hour += 1 drawClock(canvas, left, top, right, bottom, hour, 0) runApp(width=400, height=400)