Updated Example: Adding and Deleting Shapes
Here is an improved version of the
adding-and-deleting-shapes example from
Instead of representing dots as (cx, cy) pairs, here we will create a Dot class.
Now, each instance will use dot.cx, dot.cy, dot.r, dot.counter, and dot.color.
from cmu_graphics import *
import random
class Dot(object):
def __init__(self, cx, cy, r, color):
self.cx = cx
self.cy = cy
self.r = r
self.color = color
self.counter = 0
def contains(self, x, y):
return (((self.cx - x)**2 + (self.cy - y)**2)**0.5 <= self.r)
def onAppStart(app):
app.dots = [ ]
def getRandomColor():
colors = ['red', 'orange', 'yellow', 'green', 'blue', 'pink',
'lightGreen', 'gold', 'magenta', 'maroon', 'salmon',
'cyan', 'brown', 'orchid', 'purple']
return random.choice(colors)
def onMousePress(app, mouseX, mouseY):
# go through dots in reverse order so that
# we find the topmost dot that intersects
for dot in reversed(app.dots):
if dot.contains(mouseX, mouseY):
dot.counter += 1
dot.color = getRandomColor()
# mouse click was not in any dot, so create a new dot
newDot = Dot(mouseX, mouseY, 20, 'cyan')
def onKeyPress(app, key):
if (key == 'd'):
if (len(app.dots) > 0):
print('No more dots to delete!')
def redrawAll(app):
# draw the dots and their counters
for dot in app.dots:
drawCircle(dot.cx, dot.cy, dot.r, fill='white', border=dot.color,
drawLabel(dot.counter, dot.cx, dot.cy)
# draw the text
drawLabel('Example: Adding and Deleting Shapes', app.width/2, 20)
drawLabel('Mouse clicks outside dots create now dots', app.width/2, 40)
drawLabel('Mouse clicks inside dots increase their counter', app.width/2, 60)
drawLabel('and randomize their color.', app.width/2, 70)
drawLabel('Pressing "d" deletes circles', app.width / 2, 90)
runApp(width=400, height=400)