CMU 15-112: Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science
Homework 3 (Due Sat 5-Feb at 8pm ET)
(Optional Early Bird Bonus for Part A is Due Thu 3-Feb at 10pm ET)
Important Notes:
- Read the "Important Notes" at the top of hw1. The same general rules apply to this hw regarding solo, early-bird bonus, sample solution videos, etc.
- This homework is solo. You must not collaborate with anyone (besides current course TA's and faculty) in any way. See the syllabus for more details.
- You will need these starter files:
- For this hw, you may submit up to 7 times to the early-bird submission and up to 7 more times for the main hw submission, but only your last submission counts.
- Do not use lists, list indexing, or recursion this week. Note that looping over s.split(c) or s.splitlines() is allowed, but you may not store the results of those functions in a variable nor index those results -- you may only loop over them.
- Do not hardcode the test cases in your solutions.
Part A [20 pts]
- rotateString(s, k) [5 pts]
Write the function rotateString(s, k) that takes a string s and a possibly-negative integer k. If k is non-negative, the function returns the string s rotated k places to the left. If k is negative, the function returns the string s rotated |k| places to the right. So, for example:assert(rotateString('abcd', 1) == 'bcda') assert(rotateString('abcd', -1) == 'dabc')
- applyCaesarCipher(message, shift) [5 pts]
A Caesar Cipher is a simple cipher that works by shifting each letter in the given message by a certain number. For example, if we shift the message "We Attack At Dawn" by 1 letter, it becomes "Xf Buubdl Bu Ebxo".
Write the function applyCaesarCipher(message, shift) which shifts the givenmessage
letters. You are guaranteed that message is a string, and that shift is an integer between -25 and 25. Capital letters should stay capital and lowercase letters should stay lowercase, and non-letter characters should not be changed. Note that "Z" wraps around to "A". So, for example:assert(applyCaesarCipher("We Attack At Dawn", 1) == "Xf Buubdl Bu Ebxo") assert(applyCaesarCipher("zodiac", -2) == "xmbgya") - largestNumber(text) [5 pts]
largestNumber: Write the function largestNumber(text) that takes a string of text and returns the largest int value that occurs within that text, or None if no such value occurs. You may assume that the only numbers in the text are non-negative integers and that numbers are always composed of consecutive digits (without commas, for example). For example:largestNumber("I saw 3 dogs, 17 cats, and 14 cows!")
returns 17 (the int value 17, not the string "17"). AndlargestNumber("One person ate two hot dogs!")
returns None (the value None, not the string "None"). - topScorer(data) [5 pts]
Write the function topScorer(data) that takes a multi-line string encoding scores as csv data for some kind of competition with players receiving scores, so each line has comma-separated values. The first value on each line is the name of the player (which you can assume has no integers in it), and each value after that is an individual score (which you can assume is a non-negative integer). You should add all the scores for that player, and then return the player with the highest total score. If there is a tie, return all the tied players in a comma-separated string with the names in the same order they appeared in the original data. If nobody wins (there is no data), return None (not the string "None"). So, for example:data = '''\ Fred,10,20,30,40 Wilma,10,20,30 ''' assert(topScorer(data) == 'Fred') data = '''\ Fred,10,20,30 Wilma,10,20,30,40 ''' assert(topScorer(data) == 'Wilma') data = '''\ Fred,11,20,30 Wilma,10,20,30,1 ''' assert(topScorer(data) == 'Fred,Wilma') assert(topScorer('') == None)
Hint: you may want to use both splitlines() and split(',') here!
Part B [80 pts]
- collapseWhitespace(s) [15 pts]
Without using the s.replace() method, write the function collapseWhitespace(s), that takes a string s and returns an equivalent string except that each occurrence of whitespace in the string is replaced by a single space. So, for example, collapseWhitespace("a\t\t\tb\n\nc") replaces the three tabs with a single space, and the two newlines with another single space , returning "a b c". Here are a few more test cases for you:assert(collapseWhitespace("a\nb") == "a b") assert(collapseWhitespace("a\n \t b") == "a b") assert(collapseWhitespace("a\n \t b \n\n \t\t\t c ") == "a b c ")
Once again, do not use s.replace() in your solution. -
patternedMessage(message, pattern) [15 pts]
Write the function patternedMessage(message, pattern) that takes two strings, a message and a pattern, and returns a string produced by replacing the non-whitespace characters in the pattern with the non-whitespace characters in the message. As a first example:
call result patternedMessage("Go Pirates!!!", """ *************** ****** ****** *************** """)
GoPirates!!!GoP irates !!!GoP irates!!!GoPira
Here, the message is "Go Pirates!!!" and the pattern is a block of asterisks with a few missing in the middle. Notice how the whitespace in the pattern is preserved, but the whitespace in the message is removed. Also, note that any leading or trailing newlines in the pattern are removed.
Here is another example:
call result patternedMessage("Three Diamonds!",""" * * * *** *** *** ***** ***** ***** *** *** *** * * * """)
T h r eeD iam ond s!Thr eeDia monds !Th ree Dia m o n
Hint: While you may solve this how you wish, our sample solution did not use replace in any way. Instead, we started with the empy string, and built up the result character by character. How did we determine the next character? Using both the message and the pattern in some way...
Here are two more straightforward examples:
assert(patternedMessage("abc def", "***** ***** ****") == "abcde fabcd efab") assert(patternedMessage("abc def", "\n***** ***** ****\n") == "abcde fabcd efab")
And here is one last example, just for fun:
patternedMessage("Go Steelers!", """ oooo$$$$$$$$$$$$oooo oo$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$o oo$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$o o$ $$ o$ o $ oo o$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$o $$ $$ $$o$ oo $ $ '$ o$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$o $$$o$$o$ '$$$$$$o$ o$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$o $$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$ '$$$ '$$$'$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ '$$$ $$$ o$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ '$$$o o$$' $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$o $$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' '$$$$$$ooooo$$$$o o$$$oooo$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ o$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$'$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$' '''' $$$$ '$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$' o$$$ '$$$o '$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$'$$' $$$ $$$o '$$'$$$$$$' o$$$ $$$$o o$$$' '$$$$o o$$$$$$o'$$$$o o$$$$ '$$$$$oo '$$$$o$$$$$o o$$$$' '$$$$$oooo '$$$o$$$$$$$$$' '$$$$$$$oo $$$$$$$$$$ '$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$$$ $$$$$$$$$$' '$$$' """)
Returns this:
GoSteelers!GoSteeler s!GoSteelers!GoSteelers!GoS teelers!GoSteelers!GoSteelers!GoS te el er s ! Go Steelers!GoSteelers!GoSteelers!GoSteel er s! GoSt ee l e rs !GoSteeler s!GoSteelers! GoSteelers !GoSteel ers!GoSte elers!GoSt eelers!GoSt eelers!GoSt eelers!G oSteele rs!GoSteele rs!GoSteele rs!GoSteelers!GoSteeler s!GoSteelers!GoSteelers !GoSteelers!G oSteelers!GoSt eele rs!GoSteelers!GoSteelers!GoSteelers!GoSteelers!GoSteel ers! GoS teelers!GoSteelers!GoSteelers!GoSteelers!GoSteelers !GoSt eele rs!GoSteelers!GoSteelers!GoSteelers!GoSteelers!GoSt eele rs! GoSteelers!GoSteelers!GoSteelers!GoSteelers!Go Steelers!GoSteele rs!GoSteelers !GoSteelers!GoSteelers!GoSteelers!GoS teelers!GoSteelers !GoSteelers!G oSteelers!GoSteelers!GoSteelers!Go Steel ers! GoSt eelers!GoSteelers!GoSteelers!G oSte elers !GoSteelers!GoSteelers! GoS teel ers!GoSteel ers! GoSte elers !GoSte elers!GoSteele rs!Go Steelers !GoSteelers! GoStee lers!GoSte elers!GoSteeler s!GoSteele rs!GoSteel ers!GoSteele rs!GoSteeler s!GoSteeler s!GoS
Hint: You will almost surely want to print strings to help you debug here, but whitespace can be quite tricky in this problem. So... Instead of usingprint(s)
in your debugging, useprint(repr(s))
. That way, you can easily see the whitespace. This can make a huge difference in how long this problem takes! We highly recommend using this advice. - encodeRightLeftRouteCipher(message,rows) [15 pts]
Background: A right-left route cipher is a fairly simple way to encrypt a message. It takes two values, some plaintext and a number of rows, and it first constructs a grid with that number of rows and the minimum number of columns required, writing the message in successive columns. For example, if the message is WEATTACKATDAWN, with 4 rows, the grid would be:W T A W E A T N A C D T K A
We will assume the message only contains uppercase letters. We'll fill in the missing grid entries with lowercase letters starting from z and going in reverse (wrapping around if necessary), so we have:W T A W E A T N A C D z T K A y
Next, we encrypt the text by reading alternating rows first to the right ("WTAW"), then to the left ("NTAE"), then back to the right ("ACDz"), and back to the left ("yAKT"), until we finish all rows. We precede these values with the number of rows itself in the string. So the encrypted value for the message WEATTACKATDAWN with 4 rows is "4WTAWNTAEACDzyAKT".
With this in mind, write the function encodeRightLeftRouteCipher that takes an all-uppercase message and a positive integer number of rows, and returns the encoding as just described.
Here are a few more examples to consider:
assert(encodeRightLeftRouteCipher("WEATTACKATDAWN",4) == "4WTAWNTAEACDzyAKT") assert(encodeRightLeftRouteCipher("WEATTACKATDAWN",3) == "3WTCTWNDKTEAAAAz") assert(encodeRightLeftRouteCipher("WEATTACKATDAWN",5) == "5WADACEAKWNATTTz")
Be sure to take the time to fully understand each of those examples!
Hint: the grid described above is only conceptual. Your code will never actually construct a 2-dimensional grid (especially as you may not yet use lists!). Instead, you should use a clever scheme of indexing the message string where you translate a row and column into a single index into the message string.
More complete hint: let's do this example in a bit more detail, and we'll even provide an idea or two on how to simplify solving this:assert(encodeRightLeftRouteCipher("WEATTACKATDAWN",3) == "3WTCTWNDKTEAAAAz")
- Find the dimensions of the conceptual 2d grid
Since len('WEATTACKATDAWN') is 14, and we have 3 rows, we need math.ceil(14/3) or 5 columns. - Pad the string
We need 3*5, or 15 letters. We have 14. We have to add one. So we now have 'WEATTACKATDAWNz' - Imagine the conceptual 2d grid
We do not create this part. We just imagine it. But this is the 2d grid we imagine:W T C T W E T K D N A A A A z
- Label your rows and cols
To be sure we are visualizing the grid properly, let's add row and col labels, like so:col0 col1 col2 col3 col4 row0: W T C T W row1: E T K D N row2: A A A A z
- Label the padded string with row, col, and i
Let's use these row and col labels, but write them over the padded string (instead of the conceptual 2d grid). We'll also include the index i, like so:row: 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 0 1 2 col: 0 0 0 1 1 1 2 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 i: 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 W E A T T A C K A T D A W N z
- Find a function f(row,col) --> i
Look at the patterns in the row, col, and i in the table we just made. See if you can find a function f(row, col) that takes any row and col (in the conceptual 2d grid) and returns the corresponding index i (in the padded string). Also, name this function something better than f.- Hint: from the table above, we see that the K is
in row 1 and column 2, and the K is at index 7
in the padded string, so...
f(1,2) == 7
- Hint: see how the row in the table above repeats: 0, 1, 2, 0, 1, 2,... What does this have to do with the fact that we have 3 total rows?
- Hint: from the table above, we see that the K is
in row 1 and column 2, and the K is at index 7
in the padded string, so...
- Now, traverse the 2d grid top-to-bottom, left-to-right
This step is not required, but it is super helpful. As only a temporary measure, we will solve a slightly easier version of the problem: we will simply ignore that every other row goes right-to-left. We'll make every row go left-to-right just for now. So use two loops, one going over every row, and inside that, one going over every column. For each row,col pair, use your function f() that you just wrote (and renamed) to find the index in the padded string. Remember that this was the conceptual grid:WTCTW ETKDN AAAAz
And so, when you are done with this step, you should have a string like this (which, again, is not the real solution, since we always go left-to-right):WTCTWETKDNAAAAz
- Now alternate left-to-right and right-to-left
Now make every-other-row go the other way. So the second row will change from ETKDN to NDKTE, like so:WTCTWNDKTEAAAAz
- Add the rows as a prefix
- Return that string
We are done. To remind ourselves, here was the test case:assert(encodeRightLeftRouteCipher("WEATTACKATDAWN",3) == "3WTCTWNDKTEAAAAz")
- Find the dimensions of the conceptual 2d grid
- decodeRightLeftRouteCipher(message) [5 pts]
Write the function decodeRightLeftRouteCipher, which takes an encoding from the previous problem and runs it in reverse, returning the plaintext that generated the encoding. For example, decodeRightLeftRouteCipher("4WTAWNTAEACDzyAKT") returns "WEATTACKATDAWN". - drawFlagOfTheEU(canvas, x0, y0, x1, y1) [10 pts] [manually graded]
Write the function drawFlagOfTheEU(canvas, x0, y0, x1, y1) that takes a canvas to draw on, and four values -- x0, y0, x1, y1 -- that describe the rectangular region with left-top at (x0, y0) and right-bottom at (x1, y1). This function should draw the flag of the European Union so that it fills the given rectangular region. Here is that flag:
You should also draw the label "European Union" a bit above the flag. Also note that you should use circles instead of stars. - drawSimpleTortoiseProgram(program, canvas, width, height) [20 pts] [manually graded]
In addition to the Tkinter which we all know and love, Python usually comes with another graphics package called "Turtle Graphics", which you can read about here. We will definitely not be using turtle graphics in this problem (and you may not do so in your solution!), but we will instead implement a small turtle-like (or maybe turtle-inspired) graphics language of our own. We'll call it Tortoise Graphics.
First, we need to understand how Tortoise Graphics programs work. Your tortoise starts in the middle of the screen, heading to the right. You can direct your tortoise with the following commands:- color name
Set the drawing color to the given name, which is entered without quotes, and which can be "red", "blue", "green", or any other color that Tkinter understands. It can also be "none", meaning to not draw. - move n
Move n pixels straight ahead, where n is a non-negative integer, while drawing a 4-pixel-wide line in the current drawing color. If the drawing color is "none", just move straight ahead without drawing (that is, just change the tortoise's location). - left n
Turn n degrees to the left, without moving, where n is a non-negative integer. - right n
Turn n degrees to the right, without moving, where n is a non-negative integer.
Commands are given one-per-line. Lines can also contain comments, denoted by the hash sign (#), and everything from there to the end-of-line is ignored. Blank lines and lines containing only whitespace and/or comments are also ignored.
With this in mind, write the function drawSimpleTortoiseProgram(program, canvas, width, height) that takes a program as specified above and runs it, displaying it in the given canvas of the given width and height. Your function should also display the tortoise program in that window, in a 10-point font, in gray text, running down the left-hand side of the window (say 10 pixels from the left edge). Don't worry if the program is longer than can fit in the window (no need to scroll or otherwise deal with this). Also, you are not responsible for any syntax errors or runtime errors in the tortoise program.
Note that the starter code includes the following test cases for you:# This is a simple tortoise program color blue move 50 left 90 color red move 100 color none # turns off drawing move 50 right 45 color green # drawing is on again move 50 right 45 color orange move 50 right 90 color purple move 100
This produces this result in a 300x400 window:
And this:# Y color red right 45 move 50 right 45 move 50 right 180 move 50 right 45 move 50 color none # space right 45 move 25 # E color green right 90 move 85 left 90 move 50 right 180 move 50 right 90 move 42 right 90 move 50 right 180 move 50 right 90 move 43 right 90 move 50 # space color none move 25 # S color blue move 50 left 180 move 50 left 90 move 43 left 90 move 50 right 90 move 42 right 90 move 50
This produces this result in a 500x500 window:
- color name
- Bonus/Optional: bonusTopLevelFunctionNames(code) [2.5 pts]
Write the function bonusTopLevelFunctionNames(code) that takes a possibly-multi-line string of Python code, and returns a string with the names of the top-level functions in that code, separated by dots ("."), in the order they appear in the code.
You may assume that the code is syntactically correct, with no non-ascii or non-printable characters in it. You may further assume that every top-level function is defined with a "def" statement, where the "def" is left-flush (so no spaces before the "def"), following by exactly one space (" "), followed by the function name, followed by no spaces, followed by the open parenthesis for the parameters.
This task is complicated by the fact that there can be multi-line strings in the code, and a "def" inside a multi-line string is not a function definition, and should be ignored.
This is further complicated by the fact that there can be comments (#) in the code, and everything after the comment on that line should be ignored, including any potential string delimiters.
Also, note that comment characters (#) can appear inside strings, in which case they are not the start of comments, and should be ignored.
Here is a sample test case for you:# f is redefined code = """\ def f(x): return x+42 def g(x): return x+f(x) def f(x): return x-42 """ assert(bonusTopLevelFunctionNames(code) == "f.g")
And here is another one:# g() is in triple-quotes (""") code = '''\ def f(): return """ def g(): pass""" ''' assert(bonusTopLevelFunctionNames(code) == "f")
- Bonus/Optional: bonusGetEvalSteps(expr) [2.5 pts]
Write the function bonusGetEvalSteps(expr), that takes a string containing a simple arithmetic expression, and returns a multi-line string containing the step-by-step (one operator at a time) evaluation of that expression. For example, this call:bonusGetEvalSteps("2+3*4-8**3%3")
produces this result (which is a single multi-line string):2+3*4-8**3%3 = 2+3*4-512%3 = 2+12-512%3 = 2+12-2 = 14-2 = 12
Here are some considerations and hints:- You are only responsible for legal input as described below. Numbers are limited to non-negative integers.
- Operators are limited to +, -, *, /, //, %, and **.
- All operators are binary, so they take two operands. So there are no unary operators, meaning "-5" is not a legal input. For that, you'd need "0-5".
- In fact, the previous restriction is even stronger: no intermediate value of expr can be negative! So "1-2+3" is not legal, since it would be converted first into "-1+3" which is not legal. So you can safely ignore all such cases.
- There are no parentheses.
- Operators must be evaluated by precedence (** first, then *,/,//,%, then +,-).
- Equal-precedence operators are evaluated left-to-right.
- Evaluation proceeds until a single integer with no operators remains after the equals sign.
- The equal signs must all be stacked directly over each other.
- You may write this however you wish, though you may want to write a helper function that finds the next operator to be applied, and another helper function that just applies a single operator. Something like that. In any case, top-down design is crucial here. And don't forget to thoroughly test your helper functions before using them!
- In our sample solution, we used very few string methods, just "find" and "isdigit". You may use others, but you should not spin your wheels trying to find that awesome string method that will make this problem remarkably easier, as that method does not exist.
- For this function, as any other function, you may not use the eval function, so you will have to write your own equivalent just for the kinds of simple expressions you will deal with here. Eval is dangerous and should be avoided, as it can lead to serious bugs or security holes.