CMU 15-112 Fall 2016: Fundamentals of Programming and Computer Science
Homework 6 (Due Saturday 8-Oct, at 8pm)

As usual, there is no Late Day this week.

  1. Friday optional OH [0 pts]
    Same as last week. Attendance is optional, and you can stop by for any or all recitations, which run from 10:30am to 5:30pm all day!

  2. runGameLikeApp [100 pts] [manually graded]
    Write the function runGameLikeApp() that takes no parameters and runs the game-like app as described here (). You do not have to be "pixel-perfect", but you should be fairly close in all regards.

  3. Bonus/Optional: hw5 bonus problems
    While each bonus problem from hw5 was completed by some of you, nobody completed all of them, and they are really good problems! So this week you may do any of the hw5 bonus problems that you did not do last week (but no repeats). These include:
    1. runOthello
    2. enhancedOthello
    3. runFancyWheels
    4. playSokoban
    5. runDotsAndBoxes