15-110 Spring 2011 Homework 2
Due Sunday, 30-Jan, at 10pm
Same basic directions as hw1, so read those carefully
(replacing "hw1" with "hw2", where appropriate, of course).
Additional notes (read these carefully):
- Start
with hw2.zip, which contains starter files with
important test code for all the non-bonus questions. Download this
file and unzip it to start your hw. Do not change the names of those
files and do not change the names of the functions in those files!
- When you
are ready to submit hw2, place Hw2.txt (or whatever you call your
free-response file) and your bonus answers in the hw2 folder, zip it up,
and submit hw2.zip as your one and only file to Autolab.
- Note
that the test code we provide you is not necessarily complete. We
typically use more test cases when we grade your submissions. You
may elect to add more test cases on your own, though, to help you test
your solutions.
- Note
that docx format will no longer be accepted (for all future hw's).
If you use Word, save your files in doc and not docx format.
- Portions
marked SOLO must be solved
entirely on your own (you may discuss with course staff, but not with each
other or any outside sources). See syllabus for details.
- This
week, you may not use "if" statements (conditionals),
"for" or "while" statements (loops), recursion, or
collections (lists, dictionaries, etc). Since we have not covered
these yet, this should not be a concern for most of you. That said,
solutions that use "if", "for", "while",
etc, will receive half credit for those portions.
- Unless
indicated otherwise, you are not responsible for malformed input.
For example, in Rock Paper Scissors, you can assume the inputs are
always "rock", "paper", or "scissors".
- We used
"find" several times in our sample solutions. For example,
"abcdefg".find("c") returns 2. Very handy.
- We also
used abs, min, max, and, or, + (string concatenation), /, %, and slicing
(s[i:j]), which you might also find useful.
- We also
used several "helper functions". If you find yourself
doing something repeatedly, you should place that logic in its own
function that you can call repeatedly. We call that a "helper
- To help you get started, here are some hw2 practice problems (with solutions and short video tutorials)
- Also, the first video in those practice problems shows how to get started on hw2. Check it out!
- SOLO Problem-Solving (with Data and
Expressions) [35 pts]
- SOLO Rock Paper Scissors Winner
[10 pts]
Write the function rockPaperScissorsWinner (in the file hw2-solo.py).
This function takes two strings, where each string is one of
"rock", "paper", or "scissors". The
function returns True if the first player wins in a game of Rock, Paper,
Scissors, and False otherwise. Who wins? Rock beats
scissors, scissors beats paper, and paper beats rock. No other
combinations win. Here are some test cases for you:
assert(rockPaperScissorsWin("rock", "rock") == False)
"scissors") == True)
"rock") == False)
- SOLO Simple Pig Latin
[10 pts]
Write the function simplePigLatin (in the file hw2-solo.py).
This function takes a single string made up of two lowercase words
(each with at least one letter in them) separated by one space. The
function returns a string with the same two words converted to a simple
kind of "Pig Latin".
To convert a word to Pig Latin, move the first letter to the end
and then add "ay". Do this for each word. Thus, "go
team" becomes "ogay eamtay". To keep things simple,
make no distinction for words starting with vowels or consonants.
Here are some test cases for you:
assert(simplePigLatin("go team") == "ogay eamtay")
assert(simplePigLatin("pig latin") ==
"igpay atinlay")
assert(simplePigLatin("i see") == "iay
assert(simplePigLatin("oh my") == "hoay
- SOLO Dovetail
[15 pts]
Background: consider all the (x,y) points in the first quadrant:
... ... ... ...
... ...
(0,4) (1,4) (2,4) (3,4) (4,4) ...
(0,3) (1,3) (2,3) (3,3) (4,3) ...
(0,2) (1,2) (2,2) (3,2) (4,2) ...
(0,1) (1,1) (2,1) (3,1) (4,1) ...
(0,0) (1,0) (2,0) (3,0) (4,0) ...
Say we wanted to label all of these (x,y) points in
some order using the positive integers (why? for now, just for the
fun of it, though later in the course we'll make use of this technique to
prove some amazing things). We could try to number them
horizontally, like so:
... ... ...
... ... ...
(0,4) (1,4) (2,4) (3,4) (4,4) ...
(0,3) (1,3) (2,3) (3,3) (4,3) ...
(0,2) (1,2) (2,2) (3,2) (4,2) ...
(0,1) (1,1) (2,1) (3,1) (4,1) ...
1(0,0) 2(1,0) 3(2,0) 4(3,0) 5(4,0)
Unfortunately, this will fail because we will never finish labeling
points on the x-axis alone, so we will never number any points above the
x-axis. No good!
Instead, we can label on increasing diagonals away from the origin, like
... ...
... ... ... ...
11(0,4) (1,4)
(2,4) (3,4) (4,4) ...
7(0,3) 12(1,3) (2,3) (3,3)
(4,3) ...
4(0,2) 8(1,2) 13(2,2)
(3,2) (4,2) ...
2(0,1) 5(1,1) 9(2,1) 14(3,1)
(4,1) ...
1(0,0) 3(1,0) 6(2,0) 10(3,0) 15(4,0) ...
We added colors for each diagonal to make this clearer. We start with
the yellow diagonal, which has just 1 pair in it, (0,0), which we label
pair #1. We proceed to the green diagonal, labeling (0,1) with 2,
and then (1,0) with 3. Next is the cyan diagonal, labeling (0,2) as
4, (1,1) as 5, and (2,0) as 6. Then the orange diagonal for points
7 through 10. Then the purple diagonal for points 11 through 15.
And so on.
In this way, if we were patient enough and kept adding more and more
diagonals, we could assign a unique integer to every single (x,y) pair in
the first quadrant. This sort of encoding of two integers into a
single integer is a form of dovetailing.
Your task: Write the function doveTail (in the
file hw2-solo.py). This function takes two integers x and y,
and returns the integer label for that (x,y) pair. Here are some
test cases for you (with colors matching the example table above):
== 1)
assert(doveTail(0,1) == 2)
assert(doveTail(1,0) == 3)
assert(doveTail(0,2) == 4)
assert(doveTail(1,1) == 5)
assert(doveTail(2,0) == 6)
assert(doveTail(0,3) == 7)
assert(doveTail(1,2) == 8)
assert(doveTail(2,1) == 9)
assert(doveTail(3,0) == 10)
assert(doveTail(0,4) == 11)
assert(doveTail(1,3) == 12)
- Notice
that the sum of (x + y) is constant along each diagonal of (x,y) pairs.
For example, the (x,y) pairs in the orange column all add to 3.
The pairs in the purple column all add to 4.
- Also
notice that there is 1 pair on the first diagonal, 2 pairs on the
second, and so on. So, how many total (x,y) pairs are there on the
first D diagonals?
- Finally,
you may wish to use this formula: 1 + 2 + ... + N = N(N+1)/2
- Collaborative
Problem-Solving (with Data and Expressions)
[45 pts]
- Int to
Playing Card [10 pts]
Background: In week 1, we considered how to include a Playing
Card in the Data Abstraction Hierarchy. Then, in week 2 lecture
and/or recitation, we wrote a function that converts a Playing Card into
a single integer (the problem with a sample solution can be found here).
Here, you will write this conversion in the opposite direction,
converting an integer back into a Playing Card.
Your task: Write the function intToPlayingCard (in the file
hw2-collab.py). This function takes an integer that is the result
of encoding a Playing Card as we described at the link above, and returns
the 2-character string representation of that same card. Here
are some test cases for you:
assert(intToPlayingCard(0) == "2C")
assert(intToPlayingCard(12) == "AC")
assert(intToPlayingCard(13) == "2D")
assert(intToPlayingCard(25) == "AD")
assert(intToPlayingCard(26) == "2H")
assert(intToPlayingCard(38) == "AH")
assert(intToPlayingCard(39) == "2S")
assert(intToPlayingCard(51) == "AS")
- Note
Step [10 pts]
Background: This problem and the next problem concern musical
notes. There are 12 such notes in an octave. We can label
these as such:
C, C#, D, D#, E, F, F#, G, G#, A, A#, B
Here, we pronounce "C#" as "C sharp", and it is
the note between C and D (on the piano keyboard, the sharps are the black
keys). Every sharp note can also be represented as a flat note (for
example, "Bb" is "B flat"), where "C#" is
the same note (just labeled differently) as "Db",
"D#" is the same as "Eb", and so on. So we can
also label the notes as such:
C, Db, D, Eb, E, F, Gb, G, Ab, A, Bb, B
Your task: write the function noteStep (in the
file hw2-collab.py). This function takes a string representing
one musical note (perhaps with a sharp or flat), and returns the number
of steps (technically, half-steps or semi-tones) that one must take to
get to that note starting from C. So here are the test values for
every output:
assert(noteStep("C") == 0)
assert(noteStep("C#") == 1)
assert(noteStep("Db") == 1)
assert(noteStep("D") == 2)
assert(noteStep("D#") == 3)
assert(noteStep("Eb") == 3)
assert(noteStep("E") == 4)
assert(noteStep("F") == 5)
assert(noteStep("F#") == 6)
assert(noteStep("Gb") == 6)
assert(noteStep("G") == 7)
assert(noteStep("G#") == 8)
assert(noteStep("Ab") == 8)
assert(noteStep("A") == 9)
assert(noteStep("A#") == 10)
assert(noteStep("Bb") == 10)
assert(noteStep("B") == 11)
Hint: Remember that you may not use
"if" statements this week!
- Note
Distance [10 pts]
Background: we will define the distance between two notes as
the minimum number of steps required to get from one note to the other.
There is this minor complication: the 12 notes listed
above actually appear repeatedly as one octave after another, and when
computing note distances, you should consider the possibility of using
notes from different octaves. So, for example, C and B seem to be
11 step apart. Only if we start at C and go down 1 step, we will
reach the B from the preceding octave. And so C and B are only 1
step apart.
Your task: write the function noteDistance (in the file
hw2-collab.py). This function takes two strings representing two
different notes, and returns the distance in steps between these two
notes. Here are some test cases for you:
assert(noteDistance("G", "G") == 0)
assert(noteDistance("G#", "Ab") ==
assert(noteDistance("C", "B") ==
assert(noteDistance("B", "C") ==
assert(noteDistance("C#", "A#") ==
assert(noteDistance("Db", "A#") ==
assert(noteDistance("A#", "C#") ==
assert(noteDistance("C", "F#") ==
assert(noteDistance("C", "Gb") ==
assert(noteDistance("C", "G") ==
Hint: you may find it helpful to call your
noteStep function from your noteDistance function.
- Is
Drivable [15 pts]
Write the function isDrivable (in the file hw2-collab.py). This
function takes a string containing between 1 and 5 2-letter state
abbreviations separated by dashes. For example, the string
"PA-NY-MA" represents a path starting in Pennsylvania (PA),
heading through New York (NY), and ending in Massachusetts (MA).
This path is drivable because each state borders the next state in
the list. By contrast, the path "PA-MA-NY" is not
drivable, since Pennsylvania does not border Massachusetts. Your
function should return True if the given path is drivable, and False
otherwise. To keep things manageable, you are only responsible for
the 9 northeastern states (Pennsylvania, New York, New Jersey,
Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire, and
Maine). Here are some test cases for you:
assert(isDrivable("PA") == True)
assert(isDrivable("PA-NY-VT") == True)
assert(isDrivable("PA-VT-NY") == False)
assert(isDrivable("NY-PA-NJ-NY-MA") == True)
assert(isDrivable("NY-PA-NJ-NY-ME") ==
Hint: You may wish to write a helper function
here, say one that takes two states and returns True if those states are
neighbors and False otherwise. Also, you need to deal with paths
that have fewer than 5 states (and then without using "if"
statements) -- that's the hard part of the problem!
- Readings
in Computational Thinking [20 pts]
- A
Journalist's Introduction to Computational Thinking
[10 pts]
Read “A journalist’s
introduction to computational thinking” by Kim Pearson (scroll
down the page a little to view this article). In that article, she
lists 10 traditional practices in journalism that are increasingly
informed by computational thinking. List the 3 items in this list
that you found most compelling, and briefly explain why.
- The
Value of a Computer Science Education
[10 pts]
Read “The
Value of a Computer Science Education” by Kevin Carey. In
that article, he says: “Writing, in other words, is just coding by
a different name.” Explain.
- Bonus/Optional:
inverseDoveTail [3 pts]
The dovetailing process we used earlier in this assignment to map
(x,y) pairs to integers is reversible: that is, we could take these
single integers and turn them back into the original (x,y) pairs.
Write the function inverseDoveTail (in the file hw2.collab.py) that does
just that: it takes a non-negative integer and returns the
corresponding (x,y) pair. To return a pair of numbers, place them in
parentheses (what Python calls a tuple). Here are
some test cases for you:
assert(inverseDoveTail(1) == (0,0))
assert(inverseDoveTail(2) == (0,1))
assert(inverseDoveTail(3) == (1,0))
assert(inverseDoveTail(4) == (0,2))
assert(inverseDoveTail(5) == (1,1))
assert(inverseDoveTail(6) == (2,0))
assert(inverseDoveTail(7) == (0,3))
assert(inverseDoveTail(8) == (1,2))
assert(inverseDoveTail(9) == (2,1))
assert(inverseDoveTail(10) == (3,0))
assert(inverseDoveTail(11) == (0,4))
assert(inverseDoveTail(12) == (1,3))
Hint: You might find math.ceil(x) a useful function here (we did).
- Bonus/Optional:
Week #2 Bonus/Honors Topic [6 pts]
This bonus activity serves two purposes: (1) to expose you to
interesting, somewhat more challenging concepts that extend the topics
covered in this assignment; and (2) to give you a sense of what the Honors
mini will be like (as it will follow this same basic format, with about
the same rigor). Total time invested in this activity should be
around 1.5 to 2 hours (which is about half the expected time for future
Honors assignments), and you must complete the entire activity to receive
- Bonus Lecture
A lecture covering this week's bonus topics will be presented on Tuesday
25-Jan at 4:30pm in DH 1212, and should last about 45 minutes
(again, about half the expected time for future Honors lectures).
Attendance is encouraged but not required (and space may be
limited, so we will have a sign-up sheet for those interested). A
video of the lecture will be made available (perhaps online or
perhaps via DVD's to loan). If you do not attend the lecture, then
watch this video (in its entirety and with the same focused attention
that you would have in the classroom). Also, here are the lecture notes.
- Bonus Assignment
Note #1:
Place your answers in the files hw2-bonus.py and hw2-bonus.doc
(or whatever other legal extension you wish to use), and add those
files to your hw2 folder before zipping it up and submitting
hw2.zip. If you do not know how to do this, ask your
CA for help.
Note #2: Each part of this bonus assignment is worth 3 points, and you may submit one or both parts for credit.
- An infinite set is countable if you
can provide a one-to-one mapping to the positive integers. We
said that the entire set of integers (positive, zero, and negative) are
countable. Here, you will count them and then provide Python
functions to do the mapping and the reverse mapping.
- First,
figure out how you can (invertibly) map the entire set of
(possibly-negative) integers onto the set of positive integers. Whatever mapping you use, all the domain
values between -K and +K (inclusive) must map to range values between 1
and (2K+1) (also inclusive), for any value K. Then, answer these questions:
- Describe in a sentence or two of English how your mapping works.
- What will 0 map to?
- What will +1 map to?
- What will -1 map to?
- What will +K map to?
- What will -K map to?
- List, in order, the values that will map to 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5.
- Write
the (invertible) function integerToPositiveInteger, that takes a
possibly-negative integer and returns the corresponding positive
integer in your mapping.
- Write the
function positiveIntegerToInteger, that inverts the previous function,
undoing the mapping. Thus, this must be true:
integerToPositiveInteger(positiveIntegerToInteger(K)) == K # for all K in the positive integers
positiveIntegerToInteger(integerToPositiveInteger(K)) == K
# for all K in the (possibly-negative) integers
- Write
the two test functions testIntegerToPositiveInteger and
testPositiveIntegerToInteger. Be thorough in your testing.
For example, you may use loops in some interesting way.
- Finally, combine your work here with your work on doveTail in hw2 to write the function z2ToInteger that counts Z2 (that is, the ordered pairs (x,y) of (possibly-negative) integers).
That is, this function takes two (possibly-negative) integers and
(invertibly) map them to the positive integers. You should be
able to write this function in one line if you use the other functions
properly. Fascinating!
- Write
a short (no more than half a page) English description of the Halting
Problem, written for a lay audience. Describe the problem, the
reasoning behind the proof that there is no possible solution, and the
implications in a way that someone without a
technical background could understand and appreciate.